CHAPTER XCV - Golden bird

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Haru was watching the flying figures approaching the ship. Her hand, placed like a visor on her forehead, allowed her to discern their large white wings despite the harsh light of the midday sun. As usual, she whistled three times (two shorts and one long) and the birds flew at once toward the crow's nest. One of them was wearing a cap and a heavy satchel around his white neck. It gently landed on the perch's railing, took out of his satchel a newspaper and handed it to the young lookout, who gave him a bronze coin in exchange. Then, the bird took off again with the rest of its flock.

As soon as she saw the headlines, Haru jumped over the railing to land on the Seagull's deck. In a second, she reached the bow where Myr, Arthur and Lola were gathered. With a serious and hurried gesture, she handed the newspaper to her mentor. He stared at her for a moment with concern, then began to read.

- Bloody hell ! Don't think the Five Elders will appreciate this much... he muttered.

He turned the pages quickly as Arthur and Lola were looking at him, intrigued.

- An inmate from the sixth level of Impel Down has escaped with the help of the deputy warden. Wilelm and his students were there, but they couldn't do anything... The head jailors accused them of being responsible for the events, at least in part, but an investigation was conducted and they were cleared of any suspicion. The only one responsible is the deputy warden, obviously...

Myr let out a surprised laugh.

- The investigation revealed the lack of professionalism of the two head jailors, but also the numerous abuses they were inflicting on their prisoners. Nelson kicked them out. Old Nelson is not a bad guy. Impel Down had have much more terrible wardens than him, much crueler...

- But who escaped ? asked Arthur, feverishly.

Myr presented the second page of the newspaper to his students, where a wanted notice had been printed:

Bloody Mary

Wanted dead or alive

300,000,000 berrys

- 300,000,000 ? choked Lola. That's an astronomical amount ! Even Nephila wasn't wanted for that much money...

- The prisoners of the sixth level are the most dangerous... Myr sighed. And that's not all : the deputy warden, responsible of this escape, is also wanted. I think this is the first time a member of the prison's staff has been put on the block.

On the next page was written :


Wanted dead or alive

73,000,000 berrys

Myr folded the newspaper and his mouth twisted into an annoyed pout.

- The Government hates this kind of situations. Beyond the potential danger posed by this girl, it's the image of their authority that has been flouted. An escape from Impel Down, that's a first time... And this betrayal, the fact crime can develop into their ranks, they really...

Arthur and Lola looked at him in silence, without understanding why their mentor had interrupted. He was now looking around furtively, as if searching for something.

- Haru... he called in a whisper. Don't you feel anything ?

The young woman immediately closed her eyes and the veins in her temples seemed to swell under the effect of a superhuman concentration.

- The wind, the sea, the creaking wood of the boat... The presence of our entire team, seven people. Nothing unusual, she concludes by looking up. Are you feeling something else, vice-admiral ?

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