CHAPTER CIX - Leviathan

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The black night sky turned red as if tinged with blood. The embers rose to the clouds and seemed to ignite them, dancing in the sky to the rhythm of the wind. The earth shook with a thousand footsteps and the air vibrated, saturated with terrified screams.

While the Powathis were rushing to their tents to retrieve their weapons and face the monster, the latter was relentlessly chasing its prey. Arthur was making his way through the panicked crowd, holding Lola's hand tightly, Zell on his heels. Flames were sometimes missing him from inches, hitting the ground and making it explode, the mud becoming viscous magma.

- A dragon ?! cried Zell, whose forehead was dripping with sweat. Is that his power ?!

- Not an ordinary dragon ! replied Arthur, gripping Lola's hand tighter and tighter. His flames are much hotter than a simple blaze.

- And did you see its snake-like body, its bat-like wings ?

- I didn't really have time to observe it, sorry ! Just run !


As the earth of Mukata was shaking, as if stroke by a terrible earthquake, the last protector of Saint Ratcliffe collapsed. A young bodyguard, reputed to be formidable. However, facing the two Powathi lions, he had been powerless.

The Celestial Dragon was shaking with all his body. Since his release, he had scrubbed and washed himself, put on his suit, whose bubble-shaped helmet protected his head and allowed him not to breathe the same air as mere mortals. Yet he was still stinking... Not only the smell of goats, but also fear, sweat rolling down his oily skin at the sight of those two savages he hated and feared.

Tucked away at the back of the Powath temple, which he had made his temporary home, he was leaning against the stone wall in a corner. Between his atrophied arms, he was holding his new slave, his new toy, the cursed child of this lousy city. "Those savages are here for him ! he ruminated. They want to take him away from me. But no, no, no ! This child is mine ! I will not let them take my new weapon !" And as the sweat poured down his nose, he saw his golden pistol, which he had left near his bed. With a leap, he tried to seize it, but he was not fast enough : Kegaro, like a black and furious lightning, threw himself on him and crushed his huge face against the ground. The glass helmet was reduced to splinters, which sticked in the skin of the Celestial Dragon.

- Let me go, let me go, you savage ! I will have you hanged ! he howled in pain.

- You sure do... muttered the Red Lion.

He retrieved his Garra, the trophy that the nobleman had stolen and hung on the wall, and brought his blade close to the throat of the man who was laying at his feet. His son, terrified, was crying in his arms.

- Where are the keys to his cuffs, you scum ?! the warrior shouted to the Celestial Dragon. Give them to me now, or I will send you back to your cage !

With a trembling hand, Ratcliffe handed the ring of keys to his assailant, who immediately seized it to free the boy. Immediately, father and son threw themselves into each other's arms, under the tender eyes of Mugaro.

- Let's get out of here, brother ! he said as cries echoed outside. I think the knight has engaged the fight.

Ratcliffe, who was wiping blood and drool from his lips, flinched at this words. "The fight ? Against whom ?" In his stupidity, he thought the Marine forces were launching a new assault on the natives and intended to take advantage of the chaos to get his new toy : immediately , he leapt to his feet and grabbed the child by the arm.

- I am not letting you off that easy, you little brat ! Your powers are too great to leave you in the hands of these savages ! You will become the most powerful slave that ever existed, and you will be at my service ! You will be mine, do you hear me ?!

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora