CHAPTER IV - The A team

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Instructor Pinto opened one eye, then the other. He wondered for a moment if he was late, if he should hurry, and then was relieved to see the full moon through his bedroom window. As he went back to sleep peacefully, he opened one eye again, then the other. He had not dreamed, it was because he had heard a strange noise that he had woken up. He lit the lantern on his bedside table, grabbed his thick dressing gown, and went out cautiously. In the hallway, there was not a single soul. The next door opened however, and the head Sacador, his fellow instructor, came out with just as much caution.

- Did you hear that ?

- Yes, did you ?

- Of course, you idiot! Otherwise, I wouldn't ask !

- Oh, right.

- So, what was that ?

-I don't know. It sounded just like a blade...

- ... striking a stone. That's what I thought too. But you'd have to land a damn powerful hit to make such a fuss.

- Yes. It woke me up all of a sudden...

Pinto was used to Sacador's slowness, but it was amplified by the drowsiness of his colleague. Realizing that he would not be of any help, he went to the wall at the end of the corridor, his long dressing gown behind him. The frigid wind slapped his face as soon as he had passed the door. He stood behind the battlements and looked for the source of the noise outside.

- There !

A slight glow seemed to pierce the thick foliage of the trees. Pinto listened carefully. A new sound rang out, this time accompanied by a sudden movement of the oaks.

- It sounded like...

- Yes ! The sound of a fist striking the ground with all its might !

Pinto rushed inside, convinced that something was wrong. He found three soldiers on duty and instructed them to go and see quickly. Such a din could only mean one thing : an impressive surge of power was happening in the woods.


The stone on which the young soldier had stood had been split in half by the golden blade. The ground under Arthur's feet had been crushed by the might of the punch.

Both opponents were exhausted by this interminable duel, neither of them managing to take the advantage. Despite his large size, the man was quite fast, and his physical strength was much greater than Arthur's. Peck had fled out of his pocket when the fight had become serious and had taken refuge in the branches of a tree. Its rest was short, as he had to flee again when his perch was uprooted in the struggle.

It was Arthur's first time wielding Excalibur in a real fight. He had been training with it for a long time, and had eagerly awaited the day when he could finally pull the blade out of his sheath. It was his treasure, his only real possession. He had always had that sword since he was born. Actually, it was already with him when he had been found by soldiers as an abandoned baby. It was a sword of great value, all gold and steel, but no one had ever been able to pull it from its sheath. No one except Arthur. One day, he had revealed his secret to his friend Koba, and offered him to try it. When he had wanted to draw the blade, it had proven impossible : the sheath seemed to be glued to the guard, indetachable. Arthur had done it himself, without any difficulty, and had handed him the bare blade. Despite the thickness of his muscles, Koba was unable to lift it, while Arthur managed to handle it with one hand. He did not know the origin of this link that bonded him to Excalibur, but he was its only master, he was certain of it.

He dodged another attack from his opponent by leaping aside. Despite all the blows he had tried to land him, all the times he had struck the ground, the wood, the rocks, his fists had remained intact. They were covered in dirt, but there was no blood. Arthur pulled himself together and decided to use his greatest asset to counter-attack : his speed. He leapt onto the trunk of a tree, then propelled himself to his opponent, who was caught off guard. He threw himself to the ground to dodge and rolled before getting up, but Arthur waited for him, and landed him a powerful strike. The young man immediatly grasped the blade with both hands. Again, he and Arthur were face to face, observing each other like two caged animals. The lantern illuminated his visage, which Arthur fully discerned for the first time. His skull was shaved on the sides, but black, ruffled and rather long strands rose on his head, like dark flames that, in some places, were falling on his forehead. His skin, rather dark, contrasted with his clear eyes. A few drops of sweat permeated his face, while his bare hands kept Excalibur imprisoned.

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now