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- There you are.

Scorpio had croaked these words in his hoarse, raspy voice, and Arthur had got chills. When he looked at the stooped man with the bald head and the greenish eyes, whose enormous metal tail was sticking out of his back, his blood froze and his pulse quickened. Leaning over his workbench, testing chemical mixtures of bright colors, he paid no attention to the young soldier. As a warning, Arthur drew his sword. But nothing. Scorpio didn't even look at him. So Arthur lunged, ready to strike, and the huge metal tail, as if animated by a breath of life, blocked his path. The golden blade clashed with the iron sting, and the young soldier was pushed back by the power of his enemy.

- It is not very polite to attack a busy enemy, you know ? If you want to get through, just do it, he said, pointing to the wooden door at the other end of the room.

- I can't go on while you're here, pirate. It is my duty to stop you.

Scorpio gave a small, petty laugh.

- Good, good. You have honor and duty. But what good are these values to you if they lead to your demise ?

- I don't mind dying, if I can stand tall, proud of my actions.

- Then you are the craziest of us all...

With these words, the old man slowly got up from his desk and stood in front of the young soldier. As in an arena, the two combatants were now ready to fight.

- It is not death that awaits you today, Arthur. Only defeat. Our God is very clear about the values of our crew and refuses to let us kill our enemies. There are some very powerful warriors waiting for you on the upper floors, so whether you are defeated here or elsewhere, it makes little to no difference.

- I find it hard to believe that you're such an angel, Scorpio. After all, your head is wanted for 72,000,000 bellies...

- Yes, it is. As the Zodiac scientist, I am perceived as a real threat to the government. What could I do to erase this mad scientist reputation.

He slowly took off his large cape and cracked his neck.

- Are you ready ?

- Of course I am.


As Zell struggled to get back to his feet, gazing at Libra's unconscious body, massaging his bruised back, the room door was pushed open once more. Instinctively, he had jumped on his chisels, ready to fight again, but he quickly lowered them when he discovered the face of his beloved Haru.

- Haru ! Are you all right ? he screamed.

- It is not much, she declared simply by covering her wounds with the shreds which remained of her blouse. You are not with Arthur ?

- No, he went upstairs while I retained Libra. What's this ? he asked, pointing to Virgo's scrolls and parchments.

- Strange maps that Virgo was working on. Maybe they will help us to understand their project in detail. But for now, we must...

- Join the others, Zell interrupted her. I agree. Arthur should be right above us, he said, raising his finger to the ceiling, let's start by joining him.

They dashed upstairs, at full speed, and it was only then that Zell noticed Daisy's absence.

- By the way, where is your snake ?

Haru closed her eyes for a second, staggering, and answered soberly :

- I have no idea. I will deal with that later. I just hope she is safe...

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now