CHAPTER XXVII - Storm heart

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The sky was as black as night, and gusts of incredible violence made conversation impossible : Myr spent his time repeating orders, shouting them and yelling, while the ship was swaying more and more. Suddenly, almost covered by the storm's din, Haru's calls were heard, and everyone raised their heads towards the crow's nest :

- Building in sight straight ahead ! I can even see light, she cried.

- What kind of building ? Myr shouted back to her, while Zell, standing beside him, closed his ears.

- A sort of gigantic tower, like a lighthouse.

Myr turned towards the building, whose shadow was emerging in the darkness.

- This doesn't bode well, he sighed.

- The stele is in there, Emmy confirmed. The signal is particularly strong.

As the Seagull approached the gigantic tower, the wind became even stronger. The wood cracked noisily, and Zell threw himself on the deck to inspect the damaged planks.

- What do you think ? asked Jorge, who maneuvered at the helm with concern.

- This is not good ! replied the carpenter. The mast may collapse with such a wind, and the whole deck could break. If that happens, we won't be able to swim to the coast.

- Of course we won't ! cried Jorge, panicked. I can't even swim, because of my powers. I hope you'll carry me, even though I'm heavy as an anchor !

- Don't worry, answered Arthur with a wink. Besides, we haven't capsized yet, let's keep hope.

Myr, near the helm, seemed to be thinking. Clearly, their salvation was laying in this enemy fortress, where they could stow their ship and take shelter. As he scratched his head, he turned to his men and gave his orders :

- Guys, tie yourselves together !

- What ? To tie ourselves together ?! Jun asked in disbelief as she tried to hold the sails.

- Yes ! Quickly ! I'm going to get us as close to this fortress as I can, but you have to get together to survive if anything goes wrong.

- What do you mean by "get us as close as you can" ? shouted Jun, distraught.

But Myr didn't take the time to answer : he took off his white coat, threw it in his cabin, and jumped into the ocean with a graceful dive. Soles, stunned, grasped the hand of his girlfriend :

- What's the matter with him ?! Is he mad !

- No time to ask questions, Romeo ! answered Zell by throwing a piece of rope to him. You heard the old man, tie yourselves to each other!

Everyone gathered on the bridge, under an icy rain, and tied the thick rope around their waist. Then they waited in line for the captain to return, imagining what strange ploy he could have imagine.

Suddenly, the ship shook, and the entire crew fell backwards.

- Bloody hell ! We hit a reef ? asked Jorge.

- No, I do not think so. Look ! Haru shouted.

The Seagull, as if torn from the fury of the ocean, rose into the sky at high speed.

- Are we floating ? What's going on ?! Igana asked, clinging to the rail.

- It's the vice-admiral ! He's carrying the ship !

- But... How is this even possible ?!

Myr had grabbed the Seagull by the keel and lifted it with his Herculean strength. Pushing on his legs with speed, he seemed to bounce, using the air as a platform to gain height and speed.

- Unbelievable ! Arthur cried. How does he fly like that?

- He doesn't fly, Soles corrected him. I've heard about this practice, widespread among the high ranks of the Marine : it's the "moonwalk". By using all the strength of his legs, he can lean on the air particles and bounce, infinitely. This practice requires an extraordinary power and vivacity, it's amazing !

- Especially since he carries a ship at the same time ! Emmy exclaimed with admiration.

Zell and Jun had reported to their comrades Myr's exploits against the general Adnanos, but Arthur had never seen him in action with his own eyes. It was now done, and the pride he felt brought tears to his eyes.

- Are you kids hanging on ? I'm at the end of my rope, I'm going to have to swing the ship ! thundered the Vice-Admiral.

- Swing the ship ? Was that the plan ?! shouted Jorge.

Myr, clutching the keel with all his might, threw the Seagull forward, so that it hit the storm's breath with full force and seemed to pass through it.

- Moonwalk, meteora ! he thundered as he released his grip.

Although they were tied together, and were firmly clutched to the mast and hull, all crew members found themselves with their heads upside down as the boat spun around in the air. The rope, although thick, tore, splitting the group in half. Arthur, Zell, and Haru, carried along by the ship's circular sway, were thrown into the sky, while Jorge and Jun, still attached to the three scholars, fell into the ocean.

The enormous wooden ship crashed into the restless wave, fortunately in the right direction, although the mast was severely shaken.

After their dizzying ascent into the air, Arthur and his group began their fall. Haru, clinging tightly to Daisy, was blinded by her long blond hair whipping her face, while Zell reached for his tools. Arthur pointed to a thick wooden beam for his comrade to notice :

- There ! he cried. Do you think you can reach it ?

- No worries, buddy ! Zell said with a grin as he swung his rope like a lasso.

The thick rope wrapped itself around the beam and the three young soldiers were stopped in their fall. Peck, in Arthur's pocket, was still trembling with fear, as was Daisy, wrapped as a scarf around Haru's neck. In the end, Myr's ploy, though brutal and risky, proved ingenious : the three apprentices climbed up the huge beam and slid down the rock facade. Just above them, a large window let out a warm light. Arthur looked discreetly though it and consulted his two comrades, who immediately understood his intention : this was their way into the Zodiac fortress.

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