CHAPTER CXXXII - The shallows

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The children's faces, like their parent's, seemed to be frozen in an eternal smile. Despite the noise of the amusement park, Haru and Jun could hear the laughter and joy wherever they were going.

Their eyes were wide open and they couldn't believe it. Everywhere they looked, they could see crazy rides : roller coasters whose rails were magically appearing under the wheels of the cars, changing their trajectory at the last minute and plunging them into surreal loops ; bumper cars whose rubber body allowed them to bounce in all directions without risking anything ; trampolines whose elastic surface was edible and delicious...

- Damn, murmured Jun in a beath. What a shame we're too old for those.

As Haru was not answering, Jun turned to her and saw that her eyes were shining with excitement.

- You... You think we could try one ? she murmured like a hypnotized child.

- No ! Jun shouted, grabbing her by the shoulder. Do you think Kegaro's son has time to play ? We don't have a minute to lose ! I thought you were raising the bar in this team of lame ducks !

- Yes, you're right... Haru sighed, looking at the rides with sad eyes.

Together they scanned the happy crowd with their eyes, looking for the child or at least for a strangeness corresponding to the feeling Jane had told them about. Yet, at first glance, nothing seemed strange to them : everywhere, visitors of all ages were enjoying themselves. There was no sign of the Powath child.

Lost in her thoughts, Jun bumped into a man who fell backwards. True to her irritable nature, she was about to tell him how careless he was, when her eyes fell on him : he was very pale, with huge dark circles around his glassy eyes. Thin as a starving man, he stammered some inaudible excuses and hurried to pick up the broom with which he was busy cleaning the park. She looked at him for a few seconds, a bit surprised, but a shout pulled her out of her thoughts.

- Hey, you ! Hurry up and get up, you incompetent !

Three men approached with a military step. The shape of their clothes, as well as their make-up, left no room for doubt : they were clowns, Harlequin's henchmen. However, the dark color of their clothes, as well as their severe expression, were far from that of the usual jesters.

As soon as they had seen the employee, they had dashed on him, ready to beat him with their clubs. As Jun was about to draw her blades to defend him, Haru stepped in. Her face was calm, and Daisy, hidden in her blouse, was not betraying her origins.

- Forgive us, gentlemen ! My friend and I got a little dizzy and knocked this poor man over.

One of the clowns looked at her. His gaze was evil. No doubt all three of them were part of the security team.

- Be more careful in the future, he growled as he turned on his heels, putting his club away.

Haru huffed. They had almost been undercovered. Immediately, she rushed to the employee to help him up, but he was already. As if nothing had happened, he had started working again.

- Are you alright, sir ? she shouted at him as he was walking away.

- Can't talk, he mumbled. Gotta work.

They watched him leave and disappear into the crowd, dragging his broom on the cobblestone floor.

- Weird guy... Jun grumbled suspiciously. Well. The Big Top is apparently in this direction, she said, pointing to a large sign. Could you promise me to stay careful ?

Haru nodded thoughtfully. They hugged each other, and as Jun was running west, Haru set out to find out more about this strange employee. There was something weird about him that was betraying the rotten smell of this island. She had only been here for a dozen minutes, but already understood why Jane had hated this place where everything sounded fake.

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu