CHAPTER CLXI - Twin blades

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The colossal Emperor was staring at his child with a mixture of contempt and amusement. His gaze was so piercing that Arthur could not bear it, yet he was feeling unauthorized to look away. Utyr's aura was not that of a man. Authoritative, powerful and dizzying, it was that of a true legend.

- Arthur.

He had spoken the name slowly, detaching each syllable as if to savor it. His voice, raspy but powerful, was like the roar of a lion. Age may have scarred his body and face, but he was still as fierce as a young knight.

- I have dreamed many times of calling you by the name your mother gave you, my son. But you were not there.

At the mention of his mother and sensing the tone of reproach in the Emperor's voice, Arthur could not help but hold his gaze. Without even realizing it, he had advanced towards him. All the knights had put their hands on the hilt of their sword, ready to defend their master. The members of Justice tensed and Jorge snarled like a beast.

- I did not decide to be abandoned, Arthur said without looking down. I too would have liked a father to call me by my name and my mother to do the same. It appears that fate decided otherwise. But we are here today to discuss the future. If you intend to despise my past, I can leave right now.

Utyr stiffened for a moment, his wrinkled face fixed in an expression halfway between surprise and fury, and Arthur chose to ignore the cold sweat that was running down his back. All were very tense. But then, to general astonishment, the Emperor burst out laughing.

- I recognize here all the ardor of my blood ! You are indeed my son, golden knight, just as you are the twin of my daughter.

Morgan also seemed very amused by the situation and came forward to stand beside her father. Only then did Arthur notice the mysterious knight who, in the shadow of the throne, seemed to be watching over the Emperor. He was one of the only ones not to smile, without being tensed either.

- I have followed your exploits with curiosity, the Emperor said with a mocking smile. So many pirates you have faced and defeated, I was almost proud. Your foolish uncle's choices led you to join the Marine, but you finally took the straight path of rebellion.

At the insulting mention of Myr, Arthur felt all his friends stiffen. He himself, without meaning to, clenched his teeth in fury and put his hand on the handle of Excalibur. He was already hating this contemptuous and pretentious man, Emperor though he was. And as he instinctively stood ready to draw, a hand grabbed his wrist and immobilized him. The mysterious and taciturn knight had thrown himself on him in a split second, ready to defend his master. But immediately, the latter called him to order.

- Lancelot ! the Emperor shouted as if reprimanding a dog.

The knight turned in a movement of his bluish cloak, his long hair swirling like a wave behind him, and Arthur saw that he had kept his hand close to his blade : without his master's order, if Arthur had tried anything, the knight would have slashed him without delay.

- Lancelot is the first sword of my crew, the Emperor explained, looking at his right-hand man with the pride of a father. Not even Morgan can match his abilities.

Immediately, she seemed upset.

- He is just a lucky man ! Out of thirty duels, he has only won seventeen... But that is only a temporary setback.

Utyr squeaked with amusement. He was obviously taking a lot of pride of his knights and making fun of their quarrels and rivalries. Utyr was loving power, and that fascination was shining through in his veteran eyes.

- Do not get so worked up about it, he grumbled, seeing that Arthur was still tensed after his remark about Myr. I valued the White Tiger, you know. He was the one I despised the least in the Marine. At least he made you strong, I hope.

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now