[36] dareth makes all situations awkward am i right

Start from the beginning

"Uh, mornin' Ninjago. I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy. Now as Miss Gossip here kindly said, the information I have to offer you is not much, however, the magnitude of it will affect all of Ninjago City." There, he wrung his hands. "Effective tomorrow morning, a curfew will be installed. Residents of Ninjago City and the outskirts will only be allowed outside from seven o'clock to eight thirty everyday. This is because Ninjago has seen an unexpected surge in dangerous crime recently, and we want to protect our citizens. If you do not obey...I advise you too."

He darted off quickly as Gayle stepped back into focus. "Thank you Commissioner, and citizens, I beg you to take heed of his warnings. Despite the fact that we are avoiding it, someone must say these fateful words. Ninjago City is no longer safe with a murderer on the loose, and we must all be careful. Since the Mayor is incapcitated, his Deputy will be standing in for him until the elections. That said, the Old Ninjago party will not be running anymore. The Deputy has expressed her need to take a break from politics given all the recent drama. That's all for now, and I hope your day is as good as ours!"

Lou switched the channel to some nature documentary as they continued to eat, the only sound the scraping against the plate. Cole offered to wash everything up, and Lou dried the dishes after him.

"I'll pick you up from school today, after football practice. I don't want you walking home or using the bus while that criminal is on the loose. Probably from the Sons of Garmadon." His father shuddered. "Please keep safe, Cole. Ninjago City is dangerous at the moment, and you...having what you have, might attract some unwanted attention."

"Right." he mumbled. They hadn't talked about his elemental powers since Lou had given him his mother's journal. Now, he felt guilty about keeping it to himself, never once considering that his father would have wanted to read it. A selfish part of him that he disliked argued that his father had spent much more time with Lily than he had. "You know, when mum died...was it because of me?"

The cane in Lou's hand slipped from his grasp. "No! Of course not Cole, why would you ever think that?"

"Just, in her journal she mentioned that after she gave birth to me, she got sick. It's kind of obvious I gave her some disease or infection or something." The tears brimming in his eyes were full of salty regret and guilt.

Lou guided him to the living room gently. "Cole, your mother was an incredibly strong woman. Her gift gave her a strong immune system, but she was diagnosed with stage one lung cancer shortly after you were born. You had nothing to do with it, Cole. Elemental masters heal very quickly, but even that couldn't stop her from dying. We just delayed it for as long as possible. She wanted to give you time."

Cole stared at the ground. So that was why she coughed so much. He stood up shakily, brushing away the tears with a sniffle. "Thanks for telling me, dad. I'm going to...yeah."

"I love you, Cole."

"Love you too dad."

And I love you too, mum.


Meditation was relaxing, especially after Liam chewed her ear off for something she didn't remember doing.

The little room behind the lockers was a mess, but Skylor was far too tired to bother cleaning things up as her terrible headache was pounding at her head. She sipped at her water, checking the time on her phone. She'd have to hurry and leave now to get to class on time, but it hardly mattered since Dareth was filling in for the Politics section of their History class and they'd probably be watching a movie

True to her thoughts, Dareth ambled in ten minutes late, but with some form of lesson plan he drew up on the board.

"Today, wee kids, we're covering the murder of the Mayor and his wife, as well as the impact it will have on Ninjago." Dareth looked grimly at all of them. "I'm also required to teach you safety measures and protection skills. This class would have been taught by that Vance guy, but, he's dead, so there's that. Trust me, I'd rather show you all a movie but the school is concerned, and yaddah yaddah, here we are."

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