“I don’t want her to be sad.” Jules stated simply. “She shouldn’t go if she doesn’t like it. We don’t have to play. We can colour instead.” Chaeyoung smiled at Jules and looked up as the door opened wide.

“Hi Chaeyoung,” Amy greeted warmly as Chaeyoung stood up. “I thought I heard your voice.”

“Hi,” Chaeyoung returned, lifting one of her hands in a small wave.

“Julia,” Amy said, placing a hand on the top of Jules’s head, the small girl watching her mom expectantly. “Your breakfast is in the kitchen. Why don’t you go in get started?” she suggested. Jules looked up at Chaeyoung appearing torn between staying to talk to her and leaving.

“Do you think Lisa will stop going to the hospital if I ask her?” Jules questioned, glancing between Chaeyoung and her mom. Amy gave Chaeyoung an inquiring look and the teenager bent down again to address Jules.

“I think that she loves you so much,” Chaeyoung started emphasizing the last two words, “That she’d still go even if you asked her not to.”

“Why?” Jules asked her, repeating her favourite question.

“Well,” Chaeyoung said, pausing for a moment to consider her answer. “It’s because even though going to the hospital makes her sad, the thought of being able to play with you makes her feel happy, like, ten times happier then she is sad.”

“Ten times happier?” Jules queried and Chaeyoung nodded.

“Maybe even a hundred times happier.” Chaeyoung said and Jules smiled.

“Maybe until Lisa is better properly you can come and play with me?” Jules asked uncertainly, the previous shyness returning momentarily.

“Sure,” Chaeyoung agreed. “I’d like that.”

“Ok,” Jules acknowledged before turning and disappearing in to the house to have her breakfast.

“She never was very good at finishing a conversation properly,” Amy laughed as Chaeyoung stood up, her eyes watching after the small girl amused by her blunt exit.

“She’s always so shy when I come over here,” Chaeyoung chuckled. “I thought she’d have gotten used to seeing me by now.”

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem now.” Amy laughed. “I think that you’ll probably have a hard time getting rid of her when you’re round now.” She said, gesturing Chaeyoung inside the house. “I think you just committed yourself to being her best friend.” Chaeyoung stepped inside the hallway and Amy closed the door behind her.

“That’s alright,” Chaeyoung replied. “I don’t mind. I know that Lili likes spending time with Jules. She normally takes Jisoo with her when they do things though, that way she doesn’t feel so bad about not being able to. Jisoo makes a good substitute.”

“I don’t know who the bigger kid is when it comes to Jisoo and Jules.” Amy mused.

“I think it’s fairly even.” Chaeyoung smiled in agreement as she looked in the direction of the stairs, towards where she knew Lisa was.

“You can go straight on up,” Amy encouraged her, placing a hand on Chaeyoung’s shoulder.

“Is she alright?” Chaeyoung asked Amy, delaying the ascent for a moment. “I tried texting her this morning but she didn’t answer. I thought maybe something bad had happened…”

“She’s causing chaos in her room,” Amy interceded. “She’s got her headphones on and there are clothes everywhere…I’d be surprised if she even knows where her phone is to be honest.”

Trials and Tribulations [Chaelisa]Where stories live. Discover now