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"Appa!" Taehyung squealed as he crawled into Namjoon's office. Namjoon smiled as he looked at the little baby.

"Hello, Taetae. Where's Dada, hm?" He asked the little one, who simply crawled closer to him and grabbed onto his leg for support.

"Kim Taehyung! Where are you?" Jin called. There was Namjoon's answer.

"He's in here, jagi!" He called back. The baby giggled when he saw a somewhat disheveled Jin at the door.

"There you are, you little munchkin. Come here," He said as he took Taehyung from him. Namjoon chuckled.

"Quite a morning?" He asked, Jin rolling his eyes before smiling.

"Can you believe it? I've been chasing two rowdy twins since they woke up," he playfully scowled at the baby, who kept giggling at his expression. Jin's phone went off. BK.

"Hey BK," Jin answered.

"J-jin. B-Baekhyung wants custody of Donghun," Byeongkwan stuttered over his words. Jin immediately froze.

"Baekhyung?" He asked. A small 'mhm' was heard. Jin's jaw dropped. Of course, the man wanted nothing to do with his kid until he finds out that his ex had finally found the love of his life. Typical, typical behavior.

"Can you p-please let him stay with you guys. I n-need to deal with this," he shakily said. "Ch-Chan and J-Junhee are st-staying at home with S-Sehyoon. I'm afraid t-to keep D-Donghun at home."

"Of course. Bring him right over," he hung up. Jin looked Namjoon.

"Baekhyung wants custody of Donghun, so he's staying with us while he gets it all figured out," Jin said softly. Namjoon's nose crinkled in disgust. God, even the thought of Shin Baekhyun disgusted him.

"I'll go tell the boys."


"What'd do you mean you're leaving!?!?" Byeongkwan cried loudly as he followed the older towards the door.

"I mean I'm leaving because I don't want this damn kid. Don't talk to me ever again." Baekhyung told him coldly, turning his head towards the door.

"W-what about the baby? Do you wanna see them?"

"No. I don't wanna see it either."

Baekhyung left, slamming the door, leaving Byeongkwan alone in the dark apartment...


"Thank you, uncle Jin," Donghun said as the adult opened the door for him. Jin smiled.

"Anytime, darling. Yoongi and Hoseok are upstairs, okay?" Donghun ran off to find the others. Jin smiled as he turned to see the twins, who were listening to an old song Jin wrote when he was younger, Epiphany, as they slept. Jin had no idea how they were listening to it. He never had officially made it public. Maybe Namjoon found and played the old CD? Nonetheless, Jin smiled as his babies slept soundly. He sat down on the couch and turned the TV on at a low volume. He relaxed and hoped that Donghun didn't have to see that terrible man. A few minutes later, Namjoon came downstairs to put something away, stopping when he saw his husband laying on the couch. He sat next to him, rubbing his husband's back soothingly.

"I'm scared, Namjoon. What if he gets his way?" Jin said, tears forming in the male's eyes. Namjoon softly kissed his lips.

"I promise you that he won't. We will fight with him," he responded. They cuddled up next to each other, Namjoon stroking Jin's soft, black hair gently. He knew one thing to be true: his family, Kim's family, and the Hwang family refused to let the their little Donghun be taken away.

The Namjin FamilyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon