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Namjoon pulled into the parking lot of the motel, Jin being fast asleep in the passenger seat. Namjoon looked into his mirror, seeing that Yoongi was playing with his fingers while Hobi just looked around at his surroundings. Namjoon smiled as he rubbed Jin's knee. Jin yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Are we here?" Jin asked wearily, Namjoon nodding and placed a few kisses on his cheek.


The couple had finally finished checking in and taking all their belongings to the room. Yoongi got very excited, as he was already bouncing up and down on the bed. Namjoon gave him a playful scowl as he lifted and tickled him, causing the little one to laugh loudly. Jin smiled as he held little Hoseok in his arms, the baby just lying in Jin's arms, perfectly content. Jin kissed the baby's nose and set him in the baby carrier on the couch.

"Can you please change Yoongi into his bathing suit?" Jin looked over at Namjoon, as he was looking for it. Hoseok reached his hands up to Jin, Jin smiling and holding his finger out for him. The baby grabbed it. God, his hand was so small compared to his own hand. Jin changed Hoseok and lifted him up and cradled him. Namjoon and Yoongi came out of the bathroom, Yoongi smiling happily.

"Let go!" The toddler exclaimed and pulled Namjoon's hand eagerly, Namjoon chuckling before picking Yoongi up.

"Just a minute, buddy," Namjoon kissed his cheek, little Yoongi pouting. Jin rolled his eyes as he brought baby Hoseok over to the two, also giving little Yoongi a kiss on his cheek.

"Don't worry, baby, we'll be there in a few minutes."


Jin smiled as the little family walked over to the beach. It had been a while since he had been there, and he was so excited to be there again. He noticed that Namjoon held his arms out to hold the baby in his arms.

"You should go show Yoongi our favorite spot," Namjoon whispered, Jin smiling so widely at his words. Namjoon knew him so damn well. Jin looked over at Yoongi, who looked intrigued by the wide ocean. Jin smiled, picking up the toddler and taking him over to the water.

"Papa used to come here all the time when he was your age," Jin cooed. He let the toddler down a little so he could put his little hand into the water. Yoongi took it out quickly and giggled happily.

"It cold, Papa!" Yoongi said, Jin chuckling as he put his head to Yoongi's.

"Oh, baby. I love you so much." Jin kissed his baby's nose. He let him down slowly so he could get used to the water. The second he let him down, Yoongi splashed the water at Jin, making both of them laugh. Namjoon watched it all unfold, smiling at how happy his husband was. He had never seen him this happy. He looked down at his youngest son, who had been trying to keep his little eyes open. He grinned as he kissed his baby's nose.

"You'll be able to play with them one day, too." Namjoon coed as he stroked Hoseok's cheek.


Later that night, the couple was able to put their babies to bed without a hassle. They were thinking about taking a stroll on the beach but decided to stay in because leaving two little boys alone in the room would be the stupidest idea they'd ever make. Especially when one of the parents had a 148 IQ. They sat in their bed, cuddling while watching a movie they'd rented.

"I'm so glad we decided to do this, Joonie," Jin smiled, the younger adult smiling as he pulled Jin closer to him.

"Me too, Jinnie. I love you and our boys so much."

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