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Donghun, Junhee, and Yoongi sat in the playroom. Donghun played with the toy cars on one side of the room while Junhee played with Yoongi on the other side of the room. Junhee dug in his toybox, pulling out a small black bear with red cheeks.

"Look, Yoon! I have a Kumamon plushie!" Junhee showed the two-year-old the plushie, smiling happily.

Little Yoongi giggled as he reached his hands out to touch the cute plushie. Junhee handed it to him, glad that Yoongi liked it.

"JunJun, can I please have that piece of paper?" Donghun asked, pointing to the sheet of paper that laid on the small desk next to him.

Junhee nodded as he stood up and grabbed it, noticing that he had the 64-pack of colored pencils next to him.

"What you gonna draw, hyungie?" He asked as he brought it over. Donghun motioned for him to come closer to him to listen, so Yoongi didn't hear him. After Donghun told him, Junhee gave a big smile, symbolizing that it was a good idea.

Junhee walked back over to the youngest of the three, who was too busy playing with Kumamon to notice that he had left.

"Yoon!" The little boy cocked his head at the nickname. Junhee stood there with his hands behind his back, sparking Yoongi's curiosity. "Look what I found!"

It was a smaller version of the Kumamon plushie that Yoongi was holding, making the baby extremely happy. He giggled as he let go of the plushie in his hands and reached for the other one, Junhee immediately giving it to him so he could have the big one.

"Yoon can have it," Junhee gave him acute smile, making Yoongi giggled even more.

Jin heard the giggles from the living room and couldn't help but smile. Even though he had only had him for less than a day, he loved Yoongi more than anything.

"Really love him, huh?" Namjoon teased, almost reading his husband's mind. Jin nodded.

"I have some of the boys' old things that I would probably fit Yoongi well. Would you need them?" Byeongkwan asked, knowing that they were in good condition and that Chan would probably get new clothes. He completely spoiled his boys when it came to that kind of stuff.

"That would be very helpful, thank you." Jin said, gratefully accepting what was offered.

BK brought Chan into the playroom, setting him on the little playmat and letting him play. He looked towards the other boys.

"What do you have there, jagi?" Byeongkwan asked, noticing his eldest son drawing on his piece of paper.

"It's for later, Appa," Donghun said, putting his finger to his lip. Byeongkwan smiled and nodded as he took the other two adults to Junhee's room.

"I have a TON of onesies that Jun wore but are still in good condition. Same with pants, shoes, and pacifiers that were never taken out of the containers." Byeongkwan explained as he pulled out a few boxes of stuff. Namjoon and Jin looked at each other

"Quite a lot of stuff you have there," Namjoon said, eyes wide by how much stuff there was.

"You never know."

Jin left to get Yoongi so he could pick some stuff. Unfortunately, he had been having a lot of fun, he was quite unamused to leave his new friends.

Yoongi whined as Jin picked him up, calming down after Jin bounced him up and down a little.

"You're okay, jagi," he cooed, bringing him to the room the adults were in.

"Look, baby!" Jin softly exclaimed as he showed him all of the stuff. Yoongi looked over and his eyes immediately glittered, already trying to wiggle out of his caretaker's arms.

After about thirty minutes, Yoongi, with the help of Jin, picked out 3 little onesies, a black pair of sleep pants, a pair of baby blue shoes, and, of course, a package of Kumamon pacifiers that Junhee had never used.

"Thank you so much, BK. This means so much," Jin smiled as Yoongi was already trying to get him to open the package, practically shoving it in his face to get his attention.

"No problem, bro. I can tell that Junhee really loves Yoongi." Byeongkwan smiled as he put the boxes away.

"Well, I think we should probably go. This little monster might start wanting something to eat soon." Namjoon chuckled, looking at his watch to see the time. 1:35 pm.

"Perfect. I need to put Chan down for his N-A-P before he starts having one of his temper tantrums," Byeongkwan chuckled as they all left the room.

"Yoongi? Can you say bye-bye to Junhee and Donghun?" Jin cooed, Yoongi waving to the older boys. They waved back with big smiles. He was about to leave before he heard his nephew.

"Uncle Jinnie! These are for Yoongi!" Donghun smiled as he handed Jin the small Kumamon plushie and a drawing of Kumamon, signed with Donghun's name at the bottom. He smiled proudly.

"Thank you, sweetie!" Jin praised the little boy as he showed his baby the plushie and drawing. "I'm sure he'll enjoy these very much."

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