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"It's been almost nine months, I just want this baby out of my body already!" Jin whined loudly as he layed on the bed, discomfort visible on his face and in his voice. Namjoon frowned as he looked at the sight of his husband. He hated seeing him in so much distress. Jin had been extremely uncomfortable and stressed out lately, and both him and Namjoon didn't want Yoongi to be overwhelmed by it, as Jin would need most of his attention at that moment and didn't want Yoongi to feel unloved. They loved him more than anything. So, since they had become better friends with Sehyoon after a couple months, they sent him over there for a while. Sehyoon was very understanding, and he took Yoongi in happily.

"I know, Jinnie. It'll be any day now," Namjoon leaned over and kissed Jin on the forehead, receiving a small smile in return.

"I know. But it feels like forever," Jin's eyes watered, but he immediately wiped them away.

"I know, hun, I know."

"I just can't believe we're bringing our own little Kim into the world, Joon." Namjoon smiled as he leaned over and kissed his husband's stomach.

"Me too, Jinnie."

Namjoon's phone suddenly vibrated. Sehyoon.

"Hey. Is there a problem, Sehyoon?" Namjoon asked, concern present in his voice.

"Not exactly, but Yoongi seems to be very upset right now. I was finally able to lay him down for his nap after he cried for a couple hours." Sehyoon said.

"I think he might want to come home, but I don't think that's a good idea. He'll be more overwhelmed back over here," Namjoon explained, getting an 'okay' in return.

"Is there anything I should do?" Sehyoon asked, genuinely concerned for the little one he was currently taking care of.

"Just rock him for a bit and he should be okay."

"Namjoon! We have a situation!" Jin called for his husband. Namjoon hung up, knowing what was about to go down. The baby was ready.


Namjoon stood outside the delivery room since he wasn't allowed in. Since Jin had mentioned Byeongkwan a lot to Sehyoon, it wasn't big a surprise when Namjoon had asked Sehyoon to watch BK's boys, Sehyoon happily taking them in.

"Jin will be okay, Joon," Byeongkwan comforted Namjoon, only receiving a nod in return. Byeongkwan led Namjoon to the waiting room, making him sit down before leaving him. Namjoon put it his head in his hands. He wanted to be with Jin. His eyes started to water, but it immediately wiped them once he felt a tap. Byeongkwan handed him a cup of coffee, knowing him, he was starting to get tired.

"Thanks, BK. I don't know what I'd do without you," Namjoon smiled. The younger smiled back.

"Mr. Kim?" The doctor came into the waiting room, Namjoon and Byeongkwan immediately facing the nurse. She sighed.

"The husband of Mr. Seokjin?"

"That'd be me." Namjoon responded.

 "You are free to go see your husband, sir." Namjoon practically sped-walked to the room where Jin was staying. He opened the door, seeing his husband cradling a newborn baby in his arms. His eyes immediately lit up with joy. Namjoon walked over to Jin, Jin looking up and smiling.

"He's here, Namjoon. Little Hoseok is here."

"Hoseok?" Namjoon chuckled a bit. "I love it." 

They looked at the small newborn being held in the older's arms. He was so small and delicate as he laid there, the small baby letting out small cries every once in a while. Jin held him close, placing a kiss on his little head. 

"You're alright, love. I've got you," Jin said softly. The baby proceeded to fall asleep as he laid there on Jin's chest. Namjoon sat at the end of the bed, watching as the two interacted with each other. He sighed happily.

"I love you both so much," he said, Jin looking up from the baby and at his husband.

"I love you both, too."

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