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It was later in the day, and everyone seemed to be wide awake. Hoseok quickly got over his shyness and became attached to Sihyeon, which relieved Jin because Namjoon wanted to show him a place he had been to when he went to America when he was little. Namjoon finished putting on his gray polo and came out to see Jin and Sihyeon talking while they looked after the twins. Namjoon smiled and wrapped his arms around Jin's tiny waist.

"You ready, baby?" He asked, Jin smiling before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Whenever you are," he responded, setting baby Taehyung back into his pram. He kissed his cheek, then Jin pecked Jimin's cheek, Jimin whining at the fact that he was leaving. Jin pouted at the baby.

"Don't be like that, angel. Dada and Appa will be back in a little while," he said, giving the baby a red and black pacifier. The two older children came in with their stuffed animals.

"Bye-bye, Appa and Papa!" Yoongi said as he happily hugged Jin's leg. Jin smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"I'll see you soon, my baby bear. Please listen to Sihyeon," he told him. Yoongi nodded as Hoseok came over giggling. Jin smiled and pecked his forehead. Sihyeon waved as the adults left.


Namjoon looked at his husband as they walked around the park. He couldn't help but admire how beautiful he looked. His pitch-black hair, his olive skin, and dark-brown eyes. The way the breeze blew his hair in his face. He wondered how he got so lucky.

"Jin, you do realize that you're the most beautiful person in the world, right?" Namjoon asked, Jin looking at him, his cheeks turning a light crimson.

"No," he said as Namjoon chuckled and took his hand in his.

"I wanted to talk to you about something I've been thinking about lately," Jin said as he looked at Namjoon.

"Anything, jagiya."

"Should we have a final baby? I mean, I really love our kids, but I want to have at least one more baby that is fully mine and yours, you know? Ah, I probably sound dumb," Jin admitted, his eyes trickling with tears. Namjoon immediately brought him over to a bench that was near them. He kissed him on the lips before wiping the teary-eyes of his husband.

"Babe, you don't sound dumb. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Namjoon asked softly as he let the older rest his head on his shoulder.

"I didn't know what you would say," he admitted faintly. Namjoon couldn't help but tear up at the thought of his husband being afraid to tell him something.

"Jin, honey, you need to tell me these kinds of things," Namjoon said. "Of course I want to have another baby with you." Jin's eyes brightened.

"You mean it?"

"I would never lie to you." The couple left the park with happy hearts. They would be having another baby.

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