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That night, they ended up being able to celebrate early the adoption of the new baby. Unexpectedly, CPS quickly verified the application, the couple getting a call right before they went to bed from Mr. Son. They were extremely happy. They were now able to call the baby theirs. Their little Min, now Kim, Yoongi. They spent that day buying new things for little Yoongi.

The next morning came, this time Namjoon was the first one to be up, looking over to see the other two knocked out, drool on both of their faces. He smiled and blinked a few times before giving Jin and Yoongi each a peck on the cheek. He got up and looked at the digital clock on their bedside table. 6:07 am.

Namjoon sighed, knowing that he wasn't gonna be able to go back to sleep. He decided that it would be okay to just relax. He climbed out of bed and went to the couch, turning on the TV. He put it on a low volume so he wouldn't wake up the Jin or Yoongi. He watched for a few minutes

"Namjoon?" A raspy voice suddenly came from the hallway. There emerged Jin. He was still in his pajamas, only this time he was wearing one of Namjoon's hoodies. Sometimes Jin just did that, but he didn't mind. Namjoon motioned for him to come sit on his lap, which he did. Jin curled up and Namjoon just smiled, wrapping his arms around him, kissing his temple lightly.

"Did you sleep well?" Namjoon asked, recieving a nod in return. They stayed like that for a while. Jin suddenly got up and left the living room, coming back about three minutes later with a sleeping baby Yoongi and a pacifier. He sat down on the couch, placing the pacifier between Yoongi's lips, and patting his back softly. He hummed a small tune to himself as he gradually woke up. Namjoon smiled as he watched this unfold.

"You're a good father." Jin said, looking over at Namjoon and smiled as he cradled his baby in his arms.

"I'm gonna start making breakfast so it's ready when Yoongi wakes up," Jin whispered, passing the baby off to Namjoon, who gladly took him and softly laid him in his lap. As he got up, he felt a little nauseous. Nothing too bad. He just assumed that it was due standing up too quickly. He shrugged it off.

Jin left, leaving Namjoon to rock the baby softly and nudge him a bit to get up. Luckily, after a while, Yoongi slowly started waking up. Although Yoongi whined a bit about being disturbed from his slumber, it was quickly quieted after Namjoon snuggled him and places kisses all over his forehead.

Jin had just finished cooking and called the boys for breakfast. As they all sat down, Yoongi reached his hands out to Jin.

"Dada!" He exclaimed cutely. Jin awed and immediately took him. Jin fed Yoongi and took him to change while Namjoon had to work a little bit before he was able to relax the rest of the day.

"I'll probably take him to go shopping and get some food and some new things for him," Jin explained as he set Yoongi down to walk. Namjoon nodded and smiled when he saw his baby wave at him. Gosh, he loved those two so, so much.

Jin held Yoongi's hand as they walked down the hallway of the apartment complex to the stairs, praising him as he slowly toddled towards the stairs. Yoongi raised his arms up to Jin, immediately getting picked up. It was kind of obvious that he was still tired, but if that meant he was clingy, Jin was okay with that. They walked for a few minutes before they 

"We'll get some food, then, we'll get you a little something. How does that sound?" Jin cooed, although the toddler seemed more interested sleeping.

Jin rolled his eyes and chuckled, letting him lay on his shoulder. Jin went to pick up a basket but got nauseous as he stood back up. He knew something was off. He thought about it while he was shopping, looking at Yoongi, who was still asleep on Jin's shoulder. What would be the cause of his nausea? Then it him like a brick: this was exactly how Byeongkwan felt the first month of pregnancy with Donghun. Seokjin panicked. Was he possibly pregnant? He quickly finished shopping before he checked out. He grabbed the grocery bag, Yoongi soon starting open his eyes at the sound of the scanning.

"Well look who decided to wake up finally," Seokjin joked, the baby clinging onto him more. Jin sighed as he and the baby left for home. Hopefully he would figure it out soon enough.

The Namjin Familyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن