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Jin sighed as he was walking back to the apartment, at Yoongi in his arms. He was in his own little world, babbling and giggling to himself. Jin smiled softly at him, finally making it to the apartment complex. He picked up his baby and walked up the stairs, making it into their apartment. As he walked in, Namjoon was on his phone, looking at God knows what. Namjoon looked up and smiled, walking over to Jin and wrapping his arms around his waist and kissed him. Jin set down Yoongi before embracing Namjoon's hold on him.

"BK invited us over. Apparently Donghun and Junhee had wanted to see Yoongi again," Namjoon said. Jin smiled slightly but it immediately faded as he looked down. Namjoon knew something was up.He normally wasn't like this "You okay?"

Jin sighed. "Joon, I'm starting to think I might be pregnant." Jin said softly.

Namjoon became utterly speechless. His eyes were wide "W-what do you mean by that?"

"I mean, this morning I've been feeling nauseous for no reason and that was exactly how BK felt when he had Donghun," Jin explained. Namjoon smiled softly. He pulled his husband into a tight hug.

"I love you. So, so much," Namjoon whispered into Jin's ear.

"Well, don't get your hopes up too much, Joonie. It could just be something else."


"So you're saying you might be... pregnant? Because you have the same symptom as I did?" Byeongkwan asked as he made a bottle for baby Chan, who was being held by Jin.

"I mean, I don't know," Jin explained, "I was just a thought. Didn't have much of an appetitetoday, either."

"Kim Seokjin not having an appetite? Wow, that definitely means somethings up."

Jin rolled his eyes and smiled. He looked at baby Chan, who was playing with the hem of his light pink hoodie. Jin smiled and booped the baby's nose, causing him to have a fit of giggles. Jin went back to the living room, sitting down and setting the baby on his lap. He looked out the window, watch his husband and the little boys playing outside. Byeongkwan walked over with the baby's bottle, Jin handing the baby over to him.

"I have to admit. You and Joon have very good parenting instincts already." Byeongkwan told him.

"I guess. But with Yoongi still learning, would I be able to handle a newborn?" Jin started to worry. He never thought he would be having a conversation like this. At least not now

"Hey, you're already doing great with Yoongi. I'm almost certain that you'll do extremely well if you have a baby."

Jin smiled, relaxing himself on the couch. BK was right. He looked out the window again, seeing Donghun with little Yoongi on his back, laughing like crazy. Junhee just kept tossing the pretty leaves into the air, smiling as they fell down onto the three. Namjoon was sitting on porch, making sure none of the kids got hurt.

"Jinnie?" Byeongkwan called, snapping Jin out of his thoughts. "I just remembered, I have an unused pregnancy test from the other day in the bathroom under the sink, if you wanna use it."

"You sure, Kwan? You won't need it?"

"Jinnie, please. I have three little boys at home. I do not need another one right now," he sassed.

Jin nodded and quickly got up. He looked around the cabinet a little and finally found what he was looking for. He sighed.

C'mon, Jin. You know what you gotta do.


Jin sat on the bathroom counter, waiting impatiently for the results. After a minute or two, he heard a small beep come from the test. He took a deep breath before he grabbed it.


Jin looked at it for a minute, having trouble processing what he had seen. He was pregnant... with Namjoon and his baby. He felt his eyes well up. He was ecstatic. He ran out of the bathroom to meet BK.

"So?" BK asked as he set down Chan and went over to him. Jin nodded, biting his lip. BK smiled and hugged Jin.

He let go and went outside, calling the kids in for a snack. Junhee ran in, Donghun and Yoongi not far behind.

Namjoon finally walked in. He noticed BK motioning to him.

"Your husband just took a pregnancy test." He told the older. Namjoon quickly looked at the oldest of them, noticing the tears welling in his eyes. He quickly went to him.

"Baby? What's wrong?" Namjoon pulled Jin close. Jin handed him the test, showing that it was positive.

"I'm eating for two, Joonie," Jin couldn't contain his happiness and let all his tears run down his face. Namjoon gasped, hugging Jin even tighter.

"I can't believe it either." The two kissed each other.

They were going to have a baby. Their own, biological baby.

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