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Back at the Kim house, Yoongi was already halfway passed out in Namjoon's arms. The adult snuggled his little boy closer to his chest and kissed the top of his head. God, he loved Yoongi so much.

"Appa," Yoongi mumbled as he sub-consciously wrapped his little, chubby arms around his new caretaker's neck. Jin looked over and mentally squealed at how cute it was. He couldn't help but smile at his two favorite boys. Jin proceeded to make a couple sandwiches for the family to eat. While a good portion of the food ended up in the baby's lap, he was completely satisfied with the food. He was definitely ready for a nap. He yawned and made grabby hands towards Namjoon. He was picked up with ease. Jin smiled as went over and kissed both of them on the cheek.

"Joonie, can you lay him down for a nap? He's probably very tired after eating and playing with the boys."

Namjoon nodded and took him to the bedroom. Although he knew he should, Namjoon felt bad as he let the little boy onto the bed, small whimpers escaping the baby's mouth. Namjoon left a few kisses on Yoongi's cheek and left. He walked out, turning on the fan as he left. He met Jin in the kitchen.

"Did he put up a fight?" Jin teased, already prepping dinner for the small family.

"No..." Namjoon walked over and gave Jin a back hug, lightly kissing his neck. "I just felt bad leaving him in the room alone."

"Don't worry. He'll be with us in a little bit. For now, can you put away all the clothes we got?" Jin turned around and wrapped his arms around Namjoon's waist. Namjoon kissed him before leaving to go put the clothes away. As he went to go get the clothes, he peeked into their room and looked at his baby sleeping peacefully, thumb in his mouth as he softly snored. Namjoon smiled and went to put the clothes away.


"Namjoon! Dinner's ready!" Jin called to Namjoon who was relaxing on the couch, typing away at his computer.

Namjoon closed his computer and got up to go wake Yoongi. Much to his surprise, the little baby was already awake, waiting for him to come and get him.

"Appa!" Yoongi squealed as he reached his hands out for him to get picked up. Namjoon happily accepted.

Jin heard the squeal and smiled happily. It was almost scary how quickly Namjoon's parenting skills had formed. He sighed as he finished putting the food on the table.

Namjoon walked in with the baby in his arms.

Jin reached his arms out and held Yoongi. "Did you sleep well, sweetie?" Yoongi nodded happily. A little gummy smile formed on his face. Jin smiled as he sat down and put Yoongi on his lap. Jin cut off a little piece of chicken and fed it to Yoongi. Namjoon smiled. His husband had such motherly instincts, although he wouldn't admit it, and it was adorable.


"Come here, baby!" Jin called for Yoongi to come over to him so he could change him. The toddler crawled onto the bed and let him change him into his bedtime clothes. When Jin finished, Yoongi curled up on to his lap and snuggled into his chest. Jin stroked his hair as he sung a soft lullaby.

Namjoon walked in wearing an FG shirt and a pair of gray basketball shorts, climbing into bed next to Jin. He wrapped his arm around Jin and pulled him close.

"Bit of a long day, wasn't it?" Namjoon smiled as he kissed Jin's head.

Jin nodded as he looked down at his little boy, asleep with his thumb in his mouth.

"We should get to bed. I was able to schedule a meeting with CPS to get information on Yoongi and get adoption papers filled possible."

"So that's what you were doing on your computer?" Jin joked, turning off the lamp on his nightstand. Namjoon nodded.

"Yep. Hopefully, little Yoongi will be ours soon."


The next morning, the couple was up bright and early for the short walk to the office. Yoongi was still sleepy, so they just let him sleep on Jin's broad shoulder. After a ten-minute walk with short coffee detour, they made it to the building, being met by a young, early 20s to be exact, man with dark hair and dark eyes. He was writing something until he looked up to see the three.

"Ah! You must be Mr. Kim Namjoon and the family?" He asked. The younger adult nodded.

"Yes. Are you Mr. Son Dongju?"He asked, getting a nod.

"Indeed I am. Come sit, I have some info."

The two elder adults sat down. Mr. Son proceeded to show them what he wrote.

"Although not much about the baby is known, we do have some records about his parents. His father wasn't the greatest man. He has a few criminal records here," He showed the computer screen. "His mother died due to birth complications of a former younger sibling of little Yoongi here. Something tells me that the father, out of grief, couldn't bear taking care of the little one."

Namjoon and Seokjin's eyes were practically popping out of their sockets. This poor baby has already gone through so much.

"Sir, is there any way we could adopt him and finalize it today?" he asked. The adult nodded.

"While you could fill out the papers today, it would be a couple days to get a response from CPS, as the parents are unable to answer if it is allowed," he explained. Jin looked at the baby, then back at the young man.

"Do you have the papers with you currently?"

"Of course." He handed them the papers, allowing them to fill them out. The two smiled at each other.

They would be adding a new family member to their household.

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