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"I'm surprised that they actually accepted the invite to dinner. They haven't even met BK and Sehyoon yet," Namjoon said as he pulled a light blue polo over his head.

"They seem like nice people, and I think those two will like hanging out with us all. Plus, Ryujin offered to babysit the little ones tonight," Jin pointed out as he grabbed his light pink jacket. He walked out of the room to go to the kids' room. Little Hobi was asleep while Yoongi was packing his little backpack with some toys and books. Jin chuckled as he walked in.

"Are you ready, sweetie?" Jin asked as he lifted Hobi out of the crib and laying him in the baby carrier.

"Yeah! Me can't wait to see 'Yujin!" Yoongi exclaimed while bouncing up and down on his little feet. Jin smiled as he packed a bag for the baby.

"Go see Appa, baby. He should be in the living room," Jin told the toddler, who picked up his backpack and left the room. Jin finished packing the bag and took the bag and carrier and brought it out.

"Yall ready?" Jin asked as Namjoon stood up and picked Yoongi. He nodded and the family walked next door. Namjoon knock, the door being answered by Yeji.

"Hi! Chaeryoung is just finishing changing and Ryujin is finishing her bedroom set up. They'll both be out soon." Yeji explained as she motioned for the family come in. Little Yoongi made grabby hands at the girl, who immediately took him in her arms. Jin set the bag and carrier down by the couch, walking back over and hugging Namjoon's waist.

"Thank you so much for inviting us. We haven't really had anyone do that for us in a good while." Yeji said as she set Yoongi down, the toddler immediately sitting himself by the baby. Jin smiled.

"Of course. We can imagine how hard it is to not be able to get out of the house." Jin sympathized. Yeji nodded as Ryujin walked out of the room. Yoongi immediately beamed and got up from his spot to go meet the fifteen-year-old.

"'Yujin!" he exclaimed as he wrapped himself around her leg. She smiled and lifted him up onto her hip.

"Hey, Yoongs! You ready for a fun night with me and your cousins?" She asked, receiving an eager nod in return. She set him back down and walked over to Jin and Namjoon. "Is there anything I need to know?"

"Hobi will most likely stay asleep the whole time, but if he starts to cry, he's probably either hungry or will need to be changed. Either than that, he's an easy baby." Jin explained. Ryujin nodded as Chaeryoung walked out of the bedroom in black jeans and a white off the shoulder top.

"Yall ready?" She asked as she grabbed her handbag. The adults nodded as Namjoon opened the door.

"Remember: Byeongkwan and Sehyoon will be here in about thirty minutes. They'll text you when they're almost here, and don't open the door for anyone. I'll see you later tonight." Chaeryoung said as she kissed Ryujin forehead and walked out the door. Namjoon waved as he closed the door.

"Can we play?" Yoongi asked as he tugged on her black shirt. She smiled as she looked at him.

"Of course! Why don't you find something in your bag?" Ryujin said as she walked into the living room. She looked into the carrier, the baby fidgeting a little. She stroked his cheek a little before lifting him out of the carrier. Ryujin went into Hobi's bag and pulled out a little stuffed animal, the baby making grabby hand at the item. She smiled and gave it to him. Yoongi came over with a few stuffed animals and a small Lego set.

"Papa got this for you!" Yoongi said and handed her the Lego set. Ryujin smiled as the toddler gave it to her.

"Aw, that's so sweet!" she said as she set it down beside her. "Once the other kids get here, why don't we all build it?" Ryujin asked, knowing that it would keep the kids occupied while she made sure the babies were cared for. Yoongi nodded happily as he crawled into her lap.

 "Then that's what we'll do."

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