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"Namjoon! Can you please take that out his mouth?" Jin called as he saw their youngest chewing on one of Yoongi's favorite toys. Namjoon sat up from his spot on the couch and went to the baby, taking the item out of his mouth. Recently, Hobi had started teething and had been putting his mouth on anything he could get his little, chubby hands on. This time, it was one of Yoongi's toys.

"Hey, bubs. This doesn't belong to you," Namjoon teased as he took the item away from the infant, receiving multiple whines from Hoseok in protest. Namjoon sighed as he left the little child to get a teething ring from the freezer. Jin smiled as his husband passed him in the kitchen.

"I'm surprised he didn't give more of a fight this time," he chuckled. Namjoon shrugged as he grabbed a green teething ring.

"Hey, I'm not complaining," he joked as he went back to the youngest, who was pouting after "his" toy got taken away. Namjoon chuckled to himself.

"Here, bud. Why don't you chew on this instead?" He said as he picked up the child and took him to his baby swing. The baby contently chewed on the cold toy, occasionally making small noises in satisfaction. Namjoon smiled as he sat back down on the couch.

"Appa!" little Yoongi came in with his Kumamon plushie and baby blanket. Lately, he had been clinging to both of the comfort items. Jin and Namjoon didn't mind that he did it though. Whatever made him happy and comfortable.

"What is it, prince?" he asked as he ruffled the child's hair, getting no warning before the little boy crawled into his lap.

"Something tells me you wanna cuddle with me?" He chuckled, receiving a small nod in return. Jin watched this from the kitchen, smiling. He loved how happy his two boys looked. He peered over at his youngest, who had stopped chewing the teething ring. He chuckled as he went over to the baby. He smiled when he saw the baby asleep. He bent over and kissed the baby's cheek, the baby smiling a tiny bit. Jin's heart fluttered a bit. All the crying and mini tantrums were all worth it to him if it meant he got to see his baby smile.

"You should let him to sleep. He needs his beauty rest just like his papa," Namjoon teased, receiving a playful glare from Jin. Gosh, he was so annoying so times. He didn't mind though.

"Come on. You know you wanna come cuddle with us," Namjoon said as he motioned for Jin to come over. He walked over and sat next to Namjoon, leaning his head on his shoulder.

"I really love you. So, so much," Jin said. Namjoon smiled he kissed the top of his head, then kissing Yoongi's.

"I love you, too, Jinnie."

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