Chapter 22, murdered?

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You wake up to bright lights. You slowly open your eyes adjusting to the bright light.

"Are we there?" You asked to who ever was up.

Jin: "yeah Y/N we are, you're the only one awake so wake up the boys."

You shake the boys near you softly. "Wake up we are here" the boys slowly open their eyes rubbing them to adjust to the light.

You got out the car. You didn't want to waste anytime sitting in there while your father and mother are waiting for you.

Jin: " Y/N!!!"

You ran into the police station. You got to the front desk. "Hello, my name is Y/N, I got a call that my mother and father" The front desk lady type stuff in and let you in.

You ran into a office knocking onto it. "Where are they?" tears start to fall. "Pls tell me where they are"

Officer: "please take a seat, I have a few questions for you"

You grew confused why. "Why, it's a car accident...." you started to breathe heavy.

Officer: "ma'am our forensics team has found that the car has been tampered with, was there anyone that you know that would hurt them?"

"No never they are good people. They never had trouble with anyone"

Officer: "then why did you move to America?"

"I-" that you couldn't answer it was 7years ago. You couldn't understand why but you never asked. "I don't know, all they told me is that there is more of an opportunity and living a better life in America" you grew confused more and more by the second.

Officer: "well if you know anymore contact me okay? Go and get some rest" the officer hands me his card.

You got up and left, dragging your feet to the exit where the boys waited for you. They saw you and was happy but then sees how you aren't doing well they got sad with you. Walking pass them you went into the very back of the car, crawled into a ball and cried in silence.

Bts didn't ask what was wrong because they knew. You sent them a text in the group chat. Telling them what you knew, you couldn't say it out loud but now they know why you where like that....because your family was targeted and killed by someone and you had no clue.

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