Chapter 6, food!!

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After getting food for everyone you and Jhope leave to get home.


You get tackled by...well you don't know there's like 3 heads. "Guys let go I have food, don't make me drop it!" They all let go and you say jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook in front of you.

"Where were you! Jhope lefted to see you but didn't let us come" jimin pouts "not fair" crosses his arms.

"Yeah, we all were worried something bad happened to you!" Taehyung said pointing at me like jin would have done to us when we were younger.

"I'm sorry, family came up, my father is in the hospital but they said that he is fine" you walk pass them to put the food on the counter. "Now stop giving me that look and come eat"

They all nodded and you went to find the others. Walking to Namjoon and Jin's room you knock. "Namjoon And Jin I am home and I brought food come down to eat" you heard a reply and went to Yoongi's room.

"Don't even knock I know" yoongi opens the door and walks pass you.

What's up with him? You didn't think of it that much and just went to go eat as well.


"Wow do you guys eat without me?!" You smile. "That's fine, I'm not hungry you guys eat up and sleep I'll be in my room, goodnight" you lefted and went to bed for the day

Bts pov

Jimin: "so Jhope what's wrong with her dad"
Jhope: "that's not my business to say jimin"
Jimin: "ok well is he doing well?"
Jhope: "yea he's doing fine they said he can leave in a couple of days"
Namjoon: "I hope he gets better, you know how close Y/N is to her dad"
They all nodded

Jungkook: "well let's make it up to her, I mean like she has been their for us for years"
Yoongi: "yea so? She didn't even try to keep in contact!"
Jimin: "who burst your bubble, don't tell me"
Yoongi: "she's older now she could've had texted us!"
Namjoon: "just because she hasn't text us doesn't mean she don't care about us"
Taehyung: "yeah, she has helped me so much she's trying her best to be our friend and our manager"
Jin: "Yoongi you should sleep on it don't just think she's using us"

Yoongi got up and lefted to his room

Jungkook: "what's wrong with hyung?"
Namjoon: "Well Yoongi was the second to know her because Jhope was friends with before all of us, and so I guess he just feels like she's changed and he's not used to it"
Jungkook: "Well I like Y/N she's amazing"
Jin: "we all do just some of us it's hard to express it"

During this whole conversation they didn't know that you where felt happy but maybe you tried to hard to go back to the old went your room and worked on something for them

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