Chapter 19, what a prev

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Leaving the house leaving bts for your work once more. You soon arrived at your meeting spot that your boss sent you-

You where in front of a big fancy restaurant, you weren't surprised because most meeting are inside fancy restaurant's.

Entering the restaurant you walk up to the waiter.

Waiter> "welcome, do you have a reservation?"

"I'm looking for a table"

Waiter> "I can help you with that, name?"

You feel a tap on your shoulder making you turn around and you saw your boss.

"Good afternoon sir"

Boss> "afternoon" he says in a cold tone.

*I hate this man*

Boss> "she's with me" saying to the waiter.

You get a table with your boss but he only reserved only for 2 people. "Sir, I thought this was a meeting with a client"

Boss> "it is" he grabs the menu.

"I don't understand" you try to read him but it's so blank that you don't even know how he's feeling.

He doesn't speak so you don't either. seconds turn into minutes. The more you wait the more you get more questions and it makes you confused.

*what is going on with this man, what is he thinking, why am I here I have things to do, I can't spend my time with this man when I'm to plan-*

You train of thought gets cut off by someone talking.

Boss> "Y/N, you've worked for me for 4 years now and I see how you look at me" he looks up at you with a smirk.

*I don't like where this is going at all*

Boss> "how about you become my lover"

*this man thinks I like him?! You got to be kidding me*

"Sir I came to work for your company because I've admired it for years, knowing how your company doesn't have that much bad in it, your works work and I like that but I didn't join your company because I was looking for love..."

You stand you

"I think it's time for me to leave and do my work that I haven't finished yet"

You walk off and didn't even turn back. Getting a taxi to go to your place so many thoughts happened.

*I should have slapped that man to thinking I'm only here to just sleep with him, that fucker is stupid I don't want a man that thinks like that*

"What's perv" you said it out loud. Making you embarrassed.


Finally arrived home you open the door and just feel drained.

"Y/N we need to talk" you look up and it's Yoongi again.

"Pls can this wait till tomorrow"

Yoongi> "no it can't, I'm concerned about you"

You look him in the eyes wondering what he meant. He could read what you are thinking.

Yoongi> "you've been working really hard and I don't want you to overwork yourself "

"Pff I got the easy part of the job, your job is way more harder, not able to date, dealing with crazy fans, and then make music!" You take a deep breath.
"Yoongi don't worry about me okay? I'm doing fine"

Yoongi> "yeah you say that but I'm looking at you and you don't look like you haven't slepted."

You pat his shoulder.
"Don't worry about it and go to bed." You smile and went to your room.

But once you entered your room you fell to the floor
*maybe Yoongi is right but I can't* your vision start to get all cloudy and soon felt tears on your face. *I guess it's that type of day*. You went to the shower and got ready for bed.

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