Chapter 9, soon to be with

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You wake up in Hobis arms, you didn't want to leave your eyes where closing. You could feel Hobi moving your hair out of your face and you could feel his smile.

Someone wakes you up, it was Hobi.

"Morning Y/N, did you sleep well?" Hobi asked, you nodded and got off of him.

"Sorry I fell asleep on you" rubbing your eye. "What time is it?"

"10am" Jin says in the kitchen.

"Oh morning jin" you smile at him and smiles back.

"Now go get change, you look like a mess" you gave a death glare to Jin.

"I dare you say that again" you say to Jin

"Go change, fix yourself up" you grinned and left to your room"

This is what you are wearing

You walk to the kitchen and smell something amazing

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You walk to the kitchen and smell something amazing. "Wow Jin it smells amazing" you walked next to him sitting on the counter top. "And I'm sure it taste amazing also"

"Yeah because I made it" Jin winks, it made you laugh at his silly response. "Y/N go get Namjoon up he's the only one not up yet" you nodded getting off and walking to namjoons room.

*knock, knock*
"Joonie!!! Wake up it's time to eat" you knock again hearing no response you open the door to Namjoon up sitting at his desk. "NAMJOON!!!NAMJOON!!" Walking closer you realize that he had earbuds on

You hugged Namjoon from behind putting your face next to his. He turns, seeing you, he took out his earbuds. "Oh morning Y/N, what's up?"

Still hugging him "Well food is ready, Jin made it so it'll be a great breakfast" you stopped hugging him "Come on we all waiting on you" you smile and walk off.


After breakfast you received a message.

"Don't tell me it's work..." Jin asks

"Actually no it's Moonbyul and Hwasa, they wanted to have a girls night" a smile appeared on your face you haven't really hanged out with them because they were busy like the boy's.

"So are you going?" Jimin ask

"Oh course, these are my girls" you smile and text back saying 'yeah sounds like a plan, see you guys soon' "well boys you got to do something today without me". You got up and started to get ready.

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