Chapter 33

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Kylo Ren led his troops into the base. They looked around, trying to find any sign of a Resistance member. But no was was seen. Luke's distraction plan had worked, letting the Resistance escape. He couldn't believe he had been so foolish to fall for it. Hux watched him, knowing that he had failed to do what he said they would do.

Walking into the command center, Kylo Ren noticed something on the ground. As he went to pick it up, he felt a presence in front of him. He looked up, seeing the person that he didn't want to see in that moment.

Padmè saw him in front of her as she led the Resistance members on board the ship. She pressed her lips together, having nothing to say to her brother. Kylo Ren gave her a look, one that reminded her of their moment on Ahch-To. Where she had sensed the conflict in him and saw him fighting alongside her. The vision had occurred in the throne room, but both of them were wrong. They weren't fighting alongside one another anymore. Now they were enemies once more, but neither of them felt that was right for them.

Taking a deep breath, Padmè closed the door to the Falcon, cutting off their bond in that moment. It wouldn't be the last time they communicated through their bond, but Padmè wanted it to be.

Kylo Ren looked down at his hand, seeing the golden dice. Then they faded away, just like Luke had. He clenched his fist, acting as if he was still holding the dice in his hand.

Luke was right. The weight of his father's death was still with him. Kylo Ren knelt on the ground, feeling more broken than before.

His family was gone because of him.


Onboard the Falcon, hugs and reunions were exchanged as they flew away from Crait. C-3PO and R2-D2 reunited, happy to see each other again. Leia went up to Chewie and embraced him, both of them delighted that they were still alive. Padmè exchanged hugs with Finn, Alinah, Poe, Kaydel, and Rose, relieved that they were okay.

Rey was by herself, watching everyone rejoice. BB-8 then rolled up to her, beeping happily at her. Rey smiled at the droid and knelt down to his height. She patted his dome and took a look at his antenna, making sure it was still good.

"Looks good," she told him.

Poe then took notice of Rey with his droid. He walked up to her, Rey standing up when she noticed him. To her relief, he had a warm smile on his face. He was wary of her joining them before, but now he seemed accepting of it.

"Hey, Rey," Poe greeted.

"Hey, Poe," Rey said back.

"Thank you for saving us back there," Poe told her. "We would've been goners if not for you and Padmè. I know I was hesitant about you joining the Resistance before, but you've proven yourself to be loyal to the cause."

Rey smiled at him. "Thank you," she said, feeling welcome in the Resistance now. "That really means a lot to me."

Alinah had taken a seat on a chair by the Dejarik table. She held the red Kyber crystal in her hand, thinking of Luke. She was heartbroken over his loss, saddened that she lost both of her parents now. Her mother was executed because of her birth while her father sacrificed himself for her. It felt good to know that she was loved, but it was at the cost of losing her family.

"You okay?" Someone asked her. Alinah looked up to see Rose sit down beside her.

"I'm okay," she replied. "Just... just thinking."

Rose gave her a soft smile. "You don't have to hide that your upset over Luke," she told her. "He was your father, so it's warranted. I know how you feel, anyway. I lost my sister and my girlfriend today in the attacks."

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