Chapter 5

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*Above is the faceclaim for AH-3601*

AH-3601 looked around at the burning village in front of her. After years of training and being the top of the class, according to Captain Phasma, she was now at her first battle. But once she stepped out of the transport, she didn't fire. She just looked at all of the innocent people in the village in front of her.

The villagers were firing back at them, but it was only in self defense. AH-3601 and the other troopers were attacking them to get something from their leader. Some sort of device about something the First Order had. Instead of just going to him, they were shooting down villagers who had nothing to do with anything. Not to mention the fact that the flametroopers were setting everything on fire.

AH-3601 saw a villager get shot down in front of her. She ducked down next to the villager, seeing that she was slowly dying. The villager gave her a glare as she wiped her bloody hand on her helmet, before taking her last breath. AH-3601 shook her head and stood up, looking around at the destruction that her side was causing. 

As she was trying to get away, AH-3601 came across a villager, who was hiding behind one of the houses. In instinct, she lifted up her blaster at the villager, who was starting to cry. AH-3601 then saw that she was holding a baby in her arms. Something inside her told her that shooting this villager was wrong, that it wouldn't be human. She lowered her blaster, which seemed to soothe the villager and her baby.

"Run," AH-3601 ordered the villager. She nodded and ran out of the village. She smiled underneath her mask, happy that at least one innocent person could escape.

Everything after that happened in a blur. Kylo Ren arrived and interrogated the leader of the village, Lor San Tekka. AH-3601 watched as the old man deflected from telling the truth, instead calling out Kylo Ren and telling him that he knew about his past. This made AH-3601 curious; where did Kylo Ren come from?

Kylo Ren didn't take it well, cutting down the old man with his lightsaber. A blaster then was heard before the Knight of Ren stopped the blaster bolt in midair, also freezing a man in place. Two Stormtroopers ran over and grabbed him, bringing him over to Kylo Ren and forcing him on his knees. Kylo Ren bent down in front of him, as if analyzing this man.

"So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?" The man asked him. AH-3601 had to hold in a laugh at that.

"The old man gave it to you," Kylo Ren said.

"See it's very hard to understand you with all the-" the man said, waving his hand in front of the Knight of Ren.

"Search him," Kylo Ren ordered.

The Stormtroopers lifted up the man, patting him down. They found nothing on him, so Kylo Ren told him to bring the man on board. As they were bringing him to a transport, Captain Phasma asked Kylo Ren what to do with the villagers they rounded up. That was when AH-3601 heard the words that would repeat in her head ever since.

"Kill them all."

The troops fired at the villagers, except for AH-3601. She lowered her blaster, not wanting to kill anyone. Once all of the villagers were dead, everyone started walking back to their ships and transports. Kylo Ren felt something all of a sudden, looking over at AH-3601. She froze in her place, feeling chills run up her spine.

She ignored it and walked into the transport, knowing that she couldn't be in the First Order anymore.


Now, AH-3602 was helping the man, Poe Dameron, escape from the First Order. She had her helmet back on and was holding a blaster to Poe, pretending that she had him prisoner. But she had made sure to loosen his restraints so he could get out of them as soon as they got onto the ship.

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