Stay Aunty Momoko

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Tohru's pov.

"What! She wants to have a so called girls day!" Uo-chan said sounding sort of, mad? "Why would she want that?" "Well she said that she also has a date, but she doesn't know what to wear, so she only wants some help." I said as I tried to calm her down. "Oh, so she only contacted you because she wants something!" "Uh! No, no that's not it! She also wants to get to know each other better!"

"Uotami, it would appear that Tohru is to naive, why don't you and I join them to make sure nothing bad happens." Hanajima said startling me. "Huh, you don't have to do that!" I told her still freaking out a little bit about the situation. "No need to worry Tohru we'll do it freely." Hanajima said as she patted my shoulder. I don't think they understand the situation. But it's nice to know that they care so much for me.

The day went by slowly, almost as if it didn't want me to spend time with Aunty Momoko. When the bell rang at the end of the day the girls and I quickly made our way to the school gate. There she was, my aunt leaning against her car. When she spotted me she smiled and waved, "Hey, Tohru!" she called. I walked over to her with my two best friends following me. She seemed confused about why Hanajima and Uo-chan are with me.

"Um what's up kiddo? What's with the bodyguards?" aunty Momoko asked worriedly. "Sorry but we don't really trust you." Uo-chan said as she hung her arm over my shoulder, slightly glaring at aunty Momoko. I could see the worry in her eyes, but she only sighed then gave us a big smile. "If your that worried for her safety, I don't mind for you girls to join us." "Wait seriously?" Uo-chan asked surprised. "Yeah why not? The more the merrier I guess. Climb on in."

3rd person pov.

They drove all the way to the mall. They all walked to the shops with the best clothes. "On second thought, I changed my mind." Momoko mumbled, but before she could leave Uotami and Hanajima pulled her into the store. They forced her to wear all sorts of different clothes. Some she really didn't want to try on, Uotami enjoyed it to much for her liking, so for pay back she forced the blonde to wear the same clothes as they forced her.

After some laughs and death threats the girls decided to go out to eat. "That's it, I am never ever going shopping with you three again." Momoko said as she slurped her noodles. "Same here, I can't believe you forced me into that horrible pink dress." Uotami said not to happy about the memory. Everyone laughed at this. They paid their bill and went back to the car. "I better get you kids home before your families call the police." Momoko joked.

She dropped Hanajima off first since her parents worried a lot more about her. Then she dropped off Uotami who wasn't too pleased about not being able to make sure Tohru got home safely. When she stopped at the stairs that lead into the forest to Shigures house, she turned of her car and got out. "Thanks for the fun day aunty Momoko!" Tohru explained happily. "I should be thanking you for accepting to come even though you didn't have to." It was silent, but then something popped into Tohru's head, something that's been bothering her.

"Umm, aunty Momoko may I ask you something?" it took Momoko a bit by surprise, but she eventually nodded her head. "What happened between you and Shigure that caused you to drift apart after being so close? At least that's what Ayame said." Tohru said rather nervously. This was something that Momoko never expected. She let out a sigh and started to walk towards the stairs. "Come on. We'll walk and talk."

As they walked up the stairs slowly Tohru awaited for her answer. "You see Tohru, when I met Shigure, Ayame and Hatori we were all five. We weren't in the same school, they went to an all boy school and I went to an all girl school, which were right across the street from each other. We got closer, getting to know one another. And as time went we were so close that I told them about my family, and about how cruel they were to me, and about how my sister wasn't around as much since she met your father around that time. They kept me safe from my parents abuse and safe from committing suicide. In the end we spent almost every day together. I supported them and they did the same for me. *sigh* And on our high school graduation Shigure and I had a disagreement, which turned into a big argument. I told him that I hated him and he told me that he wished he would never see me ever again. And because of that I joined the military, granting him his wish, then Ayame came and now here we are."

Tohru couldn't believe what she heard. "Do, do you ever think that there will ever be a time where you and Shigure will ever make up? Because I know that Shigure really wants to make things right." "That is not for me to tell, but if he truly does want that he is going to have to prove it to me. And trust me when I tell you this, it takes a lot to prove to me." was all she said as the house came into view. Tohru was about to open the door when a devilish idea came to her, she knew if she didn't play her cards right she will regret this.

"Umm, aunty Momoko, would you like to come in for some tea? I'd still like talk a bit more." Tohru said smiling at her aunt. Momoko had a slight worried look on her face, "I don't know if that's such a good idea, Tohru." Momoko explained as she rubbed her neck nervously. "Oh pretty please, aunty Momoko with a cherry on top." the teenager begged with pleading eyes, filling the grown woman with guilt.

"I'm  back!" Tohru yelled as she and Momoko took off their shoes. "Oh welcome, AH Momoko!?" Shigure basically yelled in shock. "Sorry I invited her over for some tea. Is that alright with you Shigure?" Tohru said targeting him specifically. "W-well I-I.. you uh umm.. ho.." Shigure began to stammer with words. "Oh hello again miss Yamiki, how are you." Yuki smiled at the woman in the room, she nodded in his direction, "Fine and you." "Never better. I'll go make us some tea." he said as he stood up and walked to the kitchen. Shigure was still at a loss for words.

Time skip.

After having two delightful cups of tea, and chatting a bit with Tohru, Yuki and even Kyo, Momoko was ready to go home to rest. "Well thanks for the tea, but I better get going." Momoko said as she stood up. "Your not leaving are you?" Tohru asked with a sad look on her face. "Sorry kid but I don't want to over stay my welcome." Momoko said as she eyed the three boys in the room, knowing that they'd feel better if she left.

"Aww, won't you just stay the night? Pleeease!" Tohru went on, surprising everyone especially Shigure, who was about to have a heart attack. "Tohru!" Momoko scolded her. "It's late and you must be exhausted after the day the girls and I gave you. Pretty please." Tohru explained herself a bit more (not really). "I actually agree with Tohru on this one." Shigure said out of the blue. "Say what now?" Kyo said in utter disbelief. "Oh dear here we go." Yuki said letting a frustrated sigh.

"Great! Then it's settled. Come on aunty Momoko you can stay in my room with me!" Tohru explained very happily as she began to drag her aunt up the stairs. "Settled!? Wait do I get a say in this? Tohru hold on ahh!" Momoko said in shock as she almost tripped over one of the stairs. Shigure was very pleased with himself completely ignoring the death glares coming from his younger cousins. "Shigure are you mad!? Having one girl living with us is risky enough and you want another!" Kyo whispered yelled at the mutt. "For once I agree with the lousy cat. This could end very badly." Yuki said as he looked at the stairs were the girls once were.

I understand their concerns but I just couldn't let this opportunity slip by me. It was my fault she left, but now I'm going to make her stay. This might be my first step into making things right! Shigure thought with sly smile on his face. Oh Shigure, if only you knew about Dr. Hataki.

T. B. C.

Hey guys, so so sorry it took me so long when I was writing my phone didn't save more than half of the things I wrote so I was so annoyed that I took a break and then it turned into a much longer break than I expected. Hope you enjoyed it.

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