Chapter 7

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(sorry don't know what to call it) Momoko's pov.

I was in the supermarket getting some groceries, when I saw Tohru with a blonde haired boy, a light brownish haired boy and a shy little girl with a strange yet beautiful hair color. She walked over to me with a smile, "Aunty Momoko, surprised bumping into you here." she said.

I was going to say something when I saw the little girl trying to hide behind her. The two boys walked over to us the blonde seemed happy, while the other seemed mad. "Tohru." I said as I nodded at her, "Who are your friends?" I asked glancing at all the kids in front of me.

"Oh, this is Momiji," she pointed at the blonde boy, he waved at me, "this is Hiro," she pointed at the angry boy who rolled his eyes, "and this little cutie is Kisa." she said patting the little girl who was still trying to hide. So to make her feel more comfortable I did what I do when I'm on the job getting scared kids out of their hiding places to a safer place.

I crouched down, gave her a smile. "Hello Kisa, I'm Momoko. I love your hair." she seemed shocked at my words. "You, you don't think it's weird?" now it was my turn to be shocked, "Why would I? It reminds me of a brave tiger gub who is just waiting to come out of hiding." they all seemed very surprised, except for Tohru, she just cept on smiling.

I looked at my watch on my phone, great it's already that late! "Sorry Tohru, but I'm going to be late for my meeting. I'll see you around." I said and walked past them but stopped remembering something else. "Oh right, I almost forgot here it's my address and number, if you ever need me. Just don't let Ayame or Shigure see it." I said with a small smile on my face, I gave her the piece of paper, waved goodbye and ran of.

Tohru's pov.

Aunty Momoko gave me a piece of paper then left. "Tohru, how duz your aunty know Shigure and Ayame?" Momiji asked me with his cute eyes. "To tell you the truth, I only just met my aunt this week, so I don't really know that much about her." I told them truthfully. "How don't you know your own aunt?" Hiro asked sounding a little annoyed. "Well you see, she's from my mother's side, and they weren't really close. I guess they drifted apart as the years went by." "You still didn't answer Momijis question, stupid." Hiro said again. "Oh right, I forgot sorry, sorry. My aunt used to be childhood friends with Shigure, Ayame and Hatori." "Uncle Hatori too?" Kisa asked very shyly, I only hummed and nodded at the adorable little girl.

Time skip.

We got back to the house, Kisa and Momiji helped me make lunch for all of us. Although I think we might have gone a little over bord. "Kisa, do you mind setting the table?" I asked the adorable girl next to me. She smiled, nodded her head and ran of to set the table.

We were busy eating when Momiji brought up Aunty Momoko. "Hey Shigure, are zou friendz with a miss Momoko?" "Momoko? Why yes, back in my earlier years in high school." Shigure answered, before asking "Why do you ask?" "Whe met her at zhe zupermarket today. She said Kisa's hair vaz pretty and looked like a tiger gub." "Hehe, that most definitely sounds like Momoko."

"Sorry for asking, but I have to know, what is the real reason my mother never mentioned her having a sister, or ever mentioned her family?" I asked, a little nervous of what his answer would be. "I never met your mother, but I don't think it's my place to tell you the same for Ayame and Hatori. Once Momoko's ready she'll tell you herself."

I nodded understanding his reason. When we were done eating, Kisa, Hiro and Momiji had to go home. The phone rang, I quickly ran and picked it up. "Hello this is Shigures house. How can I help you?" I asked, "Please don't tell me he told you to say that every time you answer the phone." I heard my aunt say sounding very annoyed. "Aunty Momoko, what a pleasant surprise!" "Hey can we maybe have like a girls day?" she asked only surprising me even more. "I have a, uh, well, I have a date in a few days and I need help." she explained a little more.

"Um sure, when would you like to meet?" "How about next week Wednesday?" "Alright, sounds good!" "I'll pick you up from school, okay?" "Okay, I'll just tell Shigure that..." "NO! I mean yes you can tell him I'm getting you, just not the reason and most importantly, don't tell him about the date." "Umm, okay. Bye Aunty Momoko." "Bye kid."

Aunty hung up the phone, I couldn't help but smile! "Why do you seem all cheery all of a sudden?" Kyo asked sounding confused. "Aunty Momoko asked if I could hang out out with her next week Wednesday." I answered, I couldn't help scwell at the thought of getting to know my family better.

"What for?" Yuki asked, "Sorry but that's a secret." I said with one eye closed and my finger on my lips. "Just between us girls." I explained when I saw the look they were giving me.

Shigures pov.

Tohru looked so happy about going to meet with Momoko. I'm glad to see how happy she is, but I'm even prouder of Momoko for trying to make things right. I know Momoko told her not to say what the real reason is for meeting with her, because of me, that kind of hurts. I know if I never had done what I did back in high school, maybe we wouldn't be how we are right now.

Maybe if I hadn't kissed her on the forehead, she wouldn't be on my mind right now. "Shigure, are you alright?" Tohru asked bringing me back to reality. "Huh, sorry, did you say something?" I asked scratching my head. "Your staring off into space." Kyo said annoyed. "Haha, I don't know what your talking about." damn I need to get my head out of the clouds, there's no way Momoko will come back to me, not anymore.

T. B. C.

Hey guys I'm really, really sorry for not publishing earlier. I have exams coming up, I have to study but I also have a huge case of writers block. So can you guy please help. I'd really appreciate it!

MOM HAS A SISTER!? (Shigure x oc) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora