Reunited with him again

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Momoko's pov.

The next day was wet and gloomy just like I was. I made me cup of tea to calm my nerves. I sat on the couch and wrapped myself up in a thick blanket and turned on the TV. I decided to watch my favorite crime show, Bones.
(It's a real show and it's amazing I highly recommend it if you love drama action and mystery)

Not wanting to do much I figured to order pizza, and then I also wanted some ramen, so I ordered that as well. In all honesty I just wanted to stuff my face and drown my sorrows. I took two slices of pizza and filled a bowl with the hot ramen. I ate slowly and calmly. Enjoying the flavor of the pizza, the ramen and my tea. Strange combination, but it was all I needed.

I continued to watch my show. But I couldn't help but feel my heart ache. I don't know if it was for leaving Tohru without an explanation or of what Shigure did just before I left. My vision suddenly became blurry and I felt a warm liquid roll down my cheek. I raised my hand and wiped at the substance, realizing I was in so much pain I was crying. I cried on and on the rest of the evening till I fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning.

I was ganna get my friend in a few hours. I couldn't wait to see him after all this time. Last I heard of him, his unit was bombed. Thankfully no one was seriously injured, just a few cracked bones here and there, nothing life threatening. Which was a huge relief to me.

I got up off the couch and went to the kitchen for some coffee. While the water was heating up I put some leftover noodles in the microwave. I know it isn't healthy but hey at least I'm not waisting food. I sat on a bar stool surrounding the island in my kitchen. I slowly drank my coffee and ate at a slow pace. Once down I left my dishes at the sink, I'll clean it later.

I quickly took a nice warm relaxing shower. My once tense muscles were now loose and calm. I got changed into an over sized sweater, ripped short shorts, sneakers and a hat. I wasn't really in the mood to dress up or anything. I just wanted to be comfortable.

I got into my car and took off to the place where I'm supposed to pick him up

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I got into my car and took off to the place where I'm supposed to pick him up. There were a lot of other soldiers there on guard and ready for action if needed. I head to the secretary what I was there for and her face lit up like fireworks. "Oh thank goodness someone's taking that thing away. All the men and women are absolutely terrified to go anywhere near it." She said with relief.

"Well now you know why he's names Demon." I giggled as she led me to the back to the canal. There at the very back there he was. My partner and best friend. "Demon! How you doing boy!" I said when the lady opened the cage and the pich black Great Dane ran excitedly in my arms. "Hahaha! I missed you to pal!" I laughed as he continued to slober me with his drool.

After signing the papers and getting all of Demon's belongings which was some dog food, his vest and some toys. He hopped in my car very happy to be out of his cage. I immediately went home to  set his things up. After that Demon wanted to go for a walk and so we did. We went to the park and played with his frisbee. It was fun until he decided to suddenly just take off! "Demon! Wait! Get back here!" I yelled as I ran after him.

"Ahhh!" I heard someone yell which made me quicken my pase. What I saw scared me, Demon had pounced on a civilian! "Demon no!" I yelled as I rushed over only to hear the man he had jumped on laughing uncontrollably. "I am so so sorry sir! I don't know what came over him." I said as I grabbed the dog who was still licking the man nonstop. "It's quite alright." the man began to reassure me as he sat up.

When I saw who it was I froze. "No need to..worry..." he slowed down once he saw my face. "Momoko.." I looked away from him as I reattached Demon to his leach. "C'mon boy let's go." I said as I tried to hurry away. "Sorry again.." I apologized as I left the man still stunned on the floor. "Of all people you could have jumped you just had to pick Shigure? Man that was so awkward." I grumbled as me and Demon went back home.

Shigure's pov.

I was walking in the park relaxing a bit after everything that had happened in the last few days. When suddenly I heard a bark and something big and furry jumped on me. "Ahhh!" I yelled as I fell down to the ground. Then I'm met with a large wet tongue licking my face. I burst out laughing trying to get the dogs tongue out of my face. When I heard someone yell at the dog, most likely the owner.

The owner pulled the dog of me, "I am so so sorry sir! I don't know what came over him." The lady apologized to me. "It's quite alright." I assured her as I sat up. "No need to.." I looked at her, "worry..." I couldn't help but feel the world slow down. "Momoko..." I breathed but she didn't face me as she attached her dogs leash, "C'mon boy let's go." She said as she hurried away. "Sorry again.." she apologized again and left scolding her dog.

I couldn't help feel very guilty as I watched her walk away. I stood up and dusted off my clothes before I continued on my way back home. My mind for some reason drifted back to when we were in high school.

Flash back.

I was around twelve years old in the park listening to Momoko as she read out loud from her book. Her voice was calm and smooth. It was like music to my ears as I layed on the blanket, my hands behind my head. I watched as the clouds moved by slowly. It was peaceful and I couldn't help but imagine me as the hero and Momoko as the heroen in the story she was reading. Then the part came by the part where the main characters slow danced and ended up kissing each other.

And since I was imaging us as those two my face went even redder than a tomato. "Huh. Shigure are you alright? Are you sick? Do you need to me to call Hatori?" Momoko asked with worry laced in her once calm voice. "No no. It's alright. I just got an image in my head of people I knew as the main characters and it just chought me off guard." I said as I sat up and held my hand over my flushed face.

"Oh really? May I know who it was you were picturing doing it?" She asked as she leaned closer to me. "Umm it's really embarrassing. I don't think it'd be appropriate." "And imagining people you know do that, is." She teased with a smirk. "It's just, I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I said as I looked away. "Oh come on please! Now I really want to know!" She said as she got on her hands and knees as she tried to get a look of my face.

"Well uh, it was me and you." I whispered as I glanced at her only to see her face turn red. "O-oh. Well uh." She said as she sat back looking at her book as she turned back to the page she was on. "Sh-should I go on?" She asked as she held the book close to her chest. "If-if you want to." I said as I looked down at my hands on the blanket we sat on.

And as she continued her story the blush on her face never left. Which made me think that she might be imagining us as the main characters just as I still was. It was strange and yet it felt nice. I was so surprised that she didn't scold me for my thoughts. But it made me feel kinda giddy knowing she was thinking the same thing as me.

I missed those days where we were so close. Then again it was my fault that things are the way they are now. She actually looked really cute in her outfit. Just as I smile at the memory of her cuteness of her scolding her dog, my mind wondered to our moment in the rain. The hurt in her eyes, the broken sound in her voice and her cold touch. It made me rethink of the situation we were in. I need to do something but what?

T. B. C.

MOM HAS A SISTER!? (Shigure x oc) Where stories live. Discover now