chapter 22

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Momoko's pov.

During my stay at the hospital, Tohru and her friends came to visit. Even Hatori and Ayame came to see how I was doing. And today was no exception. I sat in bed, playing cards with Tohru, Kisa, Hiro, Momiji and Haru while both Yuki and Kyo went to get snacks.

"And full house." I said with pride as I revealed my cards. "Awww! Not again!" Whined Momiji as he threw his cards in dispare. "Wow miss Momoko. Your really good at this." Kisa complemented me in wonder. "How's that possible!? You won seven times in row!" Hiro asked confused. "Well back when I was still in the force me and my bunk mates would play whenever we were waiting to reach our destination." I explained as Yuki and Kyo came back with snacks.

"Hey look who we found." Kyo said a bit annoyed as he pointed behind them. And in came Hatori, Ayame and Kagura came strolling in the room. "Hello my dear! I have come to grace you with my wonderful presence!" Ayame sang as he waltzed over to my side. "Hi miss Momoko! I made you some cookies!" Kagura said as she handed me a container full of goodies. "Wow, these look amazing. Thank you very much, but you didn't have to." I said as I looked at how stuffed it was. "I wanted to!" She chirped.

"How are you feeling today?" "Hatori, just like everytime you ask when visiting, I feel good and ready to get out of here." I said punching the air. "Be patient, you'll be discharged tomorrow morning." Hatori said shaking his head at my actions. I scratched my head with a joyful giggle. "Alright all of you out, I need to talk to Momoko alone." Hatori said as he pointed to the door. "Aww, Hatori you meany!" Momiji cried. "Come on now, you heard the man." I said as I shooed everyone away.

Once everyone was gone, I turned to Hatori who had a serious look on his face. "So what is.." "What did you tell him?" Hatori interrupted me. "What? Who are we talking about now?" I asked confused. "Shigure!? What did you tell Shigure that made him so depressed and second guess everything he does!?" Hatori snapped at me. "What are you talking about!? I haven't seen him since.. well a few days after we came back from the beach house." I said.

"Hatori what do mean by him being depressed?" I asked getting worried. The man let out a frustrated sigh as he sat in the chair next to me, rubbing his temple. "For the past few days, Shigure has been somewhat depressed. He isn't as energetic as he normally is. He's not joking around or causing chaos like he normally would. Instead he's looking of into space with a serious look on his face. And yesterday Tohru called me over saying she's worried about him, when I got there he was mumbling nonsense about you." Hatori explained.

"Me? I've only seen him once. We accidentally ran in on each other in the park once a few weeks ago, but we didn't talk with each other." I told him as I looked over at the gift card that Shigure had left with the tulips a few days back. I kept the card close, because it gave me hope for the future. I knew it was ridiculous and I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help it. Should I show the card to Hatori? If I did how would he take it? Would it even help? I thought to myself.

"Momoko?" I was snapped out of my train of thought and looked over at Hatori. "What is it?" "Well, when I woke up I had a lot of gifts waiting for me and one of them was this card along with some tulips. They were from Shigure." I said as I picked up the card and held it close to my chest. "Mind if I have a look?" He asked reaching for the card. At first I was hesitant, I mean I didn't know if Shigure wanted this to be  shared with others.

I finally gave up and handed it over to him. It was quiet, very quiet as he read it a few times over. "Good grief.." Hatori said as he returned the card to me. "Hatori I don't want him to force himself into anything.." "That's not the case here Momoko. He wants to figure it out himself. He wants to know what his next step should be. Don't blame yourself for his stupidity." Hatori interrupted me as he got up and left. Soon enough everyone else came back to say their goodbyes. Once they were all gone my mind drifted back to what Hatori told me about Shigure.

Shigure's pov.

I was sitting in my office, trying to think of a knew story to write. But my mind was blank. All I could think about was how Momoko was still in the hospital. Ugh! Thus is so frustrating! I won't get any work done at this rate! I thought to myself as I heard the door open and Tohru yelling that they returned. So I gave up on the story and went to greet them. "Oh back so soon?" I asked. "So soon? We've been gone for at least two hours. Get your head out of the clouds." Kyo said as he went to watch some TV.

"Right right." I said sheepishly as I then realized that Ayame and Hatori had also joined us. They both gave me worried looks, glancing at each other every now and then. "What is it?" I asked. "Shigure, we need to talk." Hatori said as they both began to lead the way to a more private area outside.

"What's the matter?" I asked once we came to a stop far from the house. They both wore very serious looks on their faces, it was no surprise to see Hatori with one, but Ayame? Now that was a different story intirly. "Shigure, we're worried about you. You and Momo.." Ayame began. "What in the world is going on? You two were once so close and now.. your acting just like Yuki and Kyo." Hatori continued.

I had a feeling they'd ask about this sooner or later. I just wish it had been later. "Well to tell you the truth, not even I myself know what is going on. All I know is it's hard. Harder than anything I've every experienced before in my whole life." I tried to explain the best I could. "Momoko showed me the card you left her at the hospital." Hatori told me.

I froze. Why would she show him that!? I pondered a minute before looking up at him. "And? What of it?" I asked like it was no big deal, when in reality it was. "The two of you need to figure out were you are and were you want to be." Hatori told me sternly. "Agreed! This is getting ridiculous!" Ayame chipped in nodding his head with crossed arms.

"I mean it's obvious the two of you still have feelings gor each other. So why is it so difficult for you to express them?" He went on like it'd be the easiest thing in the world. It made my blood boil. "Oh yeah!? And what of the two of you, huh!? Why haven't you married your fiance, Hatori? Or why haven't you told that assistant of yours that you like her more than she knows, Ayame!?" I snapped.

"The answer for those questions are the same for me and Momoko. So drop it!" I finished with a huff as I turned on my heel and stormed back into my house furious. I stomped my feet loudly as I went into my office and slammed the door shut. Damn it! Why!? Why!? Why must this be so hard!? If it were anyone else, it be so much easier, but it just had to be Momoko! Why!? She doesn't deserve this. I thought to myself as tried to gather my thoughts.

T. B. C.

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