Family Problems

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Momoko's pov.

I put my cup of tea down, and looked Ayame in the face. "So, why did you trick me into coming here?" I asked. "Because if I had told you the truth, you wouldn't have shown up." he answered like it was that simple. "However, we should be asking you, why you never told us that Tohru was your niece." Shigure said butting in.

I glared at the man, I was so mad at him right now I wanted not only to strangle him but rip him up. "I never thought my sisters daughter would be stupid enough to live with a crazy pirverted idiot like you." I said dryly. He was about to say something when mini Ayame interrupted him, "So miss Yamiki, how do you know Hatori and the others?" he asked. "Saved Shigure from getting hit by a truck, and not long after that I saved him from falling down a flight of stairs as well as keeping Ayame away from the soccer balls that kept going towards his head." I said like it was no big deal.

"What, really?" asked the brown haired girl. "It's true these two always got into trouble or danger, and lucky for them either Momoko or me were there to help." Hatori answered for me. I only nodded in agreement while Shigure sweat dropped and Ayame laughed. "I have a few questions for you, what is it you do for a living and why weren't you in Tohru's life until now?" Kyo asked sounding almost angry with me.

I took a sip of tea, and let out a deep breath. "I used to be a shoulder, defending our country to the end. But I'm taking a break, and looking for a new job. As for Tohru..." I poused glancing at the girl. "I wanted nothing more than for her and her old man to drop dead." I said not making eye contact. I could tell from their silence that they were not expecting this. "Let's just say in the past my sister and I were close but everything changed, and I just didn't want her to be happy." I tried to explain.

"Does this maybe have something to do with my grandparents, like your mom and dad?" Tohru asked and that made me lose my cool, I snapped before I could stop my self. "Like you have any right to talk to me about my family problems, you didn't even know that I existed until yesterday! Your family has been keeping secrets for you ever since you were born!" I yelled at her as I stood and stormed out. "Momo!" Ayame called as he ran after me.

3rd person pov.

Shigure and Hatori looked at each other then at Tohru. "Um, Tohru did your mother ever tell you about her parents?" Shigure asked. "No, she never even told me that she had a sister." she answered. "I'm going to make sure Momoko doesn't break Ayame or destroy the house." Hatori said as he stood, just then they heard a loud crash. "I spoke to soon." he said as he walked away.

"Tohru, please for the sake of my house never mention Momoko's parents." Shigure pleaded. "Why?" asked Kagura. Shigure sighed and seemed sad. "You see, Momoko and well apparently your mother's parents were very cruel people. They were abusive and they always hit or cut Momoko. Momoko was in even more danger when her sister left, I guess she left when she got married to your father. She left Momoko alone with their parents and that made them grow apart, over the years that I remember with her, she wasn't happy that her sister left her and never called. But when she did the damage was already done." Shigure explained.

Tohru was starting to understand why her mother never told her about her grandparents. She never knew her mother might have been abused, or that she left her sister to marry her father. Tohru knew that she had to appalogise to her aunt.

Hatori's pov.

"Come on now Momo, she merely asked you a question. You didn't need to make a big deel out of it." Ayame said as both he and I held Momoko back, before she destroyed anything else. She stopped struggling and looked at him, oh no. "STOP CALLING ME MOMO! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU IT'S MOMOKO!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

I was getting tired of this, ever since we were kids it's still the same thing. Ayame would anger Momoko, then she'd try to kill him, I'd have to keep her from him and Shigure only stood by and watched. Back then things were a lot easier than they are now.

Where did it all go wrong? I guess maybe after high school graduation. "How about you and I go walk around in the park? Help clear your mind a bit." I asked as I was almost about to get into a hugging position, and she doesn't know about our secret. I don't want to put any harm on my childhood best friend. She took a deep breath and released a sigh. "Fine." is all she said.

Just as we were about to walk out Tohru came running up to us. "Wait, Aunt Momoko!" she yelled. We both looked at the poor girl, she seemed stressed. "I'm really, really, REALLY sorry about what I said. I never should have asked you about your personal life."she apologized. "Listen kid, if anything happens here just call Hatori and he'll give me a call I'll come by and try to help." Momoko told her I was surprised, I never saw this coming.

"I found out about your mother's death by your previous land lady. The reason I went there is because I had an agreement with Kyoko, but I guess I'd still have to fulfill it, otherwise she'd huant me for the rest of my life." Momoko joked. I was pleased to see her trying to be a good aunt even if it was a rough start. We finally left and went to the park.

3rd person pov.

Shigure, Ayame, Kyo, Kakura and Yuki poked their heads from behind the wall."Are we sure that that was the same Momoko from when we were younger?" joked Ayame. "Are we sure that she won't find out about our secret?" asked Kyo a pit more serious. "The most important question right now is, are we sure that she won't hurt miss Honda?" Yuki said as he looked at the brown haired girl standing in front of the door.

"There's nothing to worry about, we've been able to keep our secret this long, we can do it again. And from what I could see, Momoko was serious when she said she'd come to help." Shigure said surprising everyone.

T. B. C.

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