the beach

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Momoko's pov.

I was sitting on a park bench drinking some of the world's finest Macha lattes. It was calm and very peaceful. I hadn't felt this relaxed in years. Nothing could ruin this moment for me. "Miz Momoko!" Then, of course, someone can. It was Tohru and the Sohma family. Great.

"What is it. You do realize I was finally relaxed, right?" I explained rather annoyed as they got closer. "Hi, Aunty Momoko! We were hoping that you would join us on our vacation at the beach." Tohru smiled cheerfully, completely ignoring the fact that I'm annoyed with them. "The beach?" I was slightly confused. "Ya! Ve have a beach house, and are going there for vacation!" Momiji cheered.

"We were hoping you'd like to come with us. You'd be able to relax even more." Kisa explained shyly. That got me thinking. The last time I was at a beach was back in the military, and we didn't have time to stop and relax because of all the bombs aimed at us. It's true I could use the calming sounds of the waves and cool breeze as well as some company that won't drive me too crazy. "Fine, why not?" I said with a smile. "Really!?" They all asked, shocked. "Yeah, it sounds fun. But don't drive me crazy. Otherwise, I'll come right back. Got it." I said strictly. "Got it!" They saluted.

Tohru texted me all the details about the trip. So I gathered all of my things, and I couldn't help but feel a little giddy about the time I'd spend with Tohru. I didn't exactly know who everyone was that was joining us. I just hope nothing bad happens. And if those two idiots are coming along, hopefully, Hatori will keep them away. I just hope if Shigure comes, he won't be sceaming another one of his devilish plans.

I was gathering all of my things that I thought I'd need for the trip and set them neatly in my bag. I hadn't had a proper peaceful vacation in such a long time. Looking for a new job and reuniting with not only Tohru but with Ayame, Hatori and Shigure was exhausting.

Time skip.

I was busy reading my new book as I awaited for Tohru and the others to come pick me up. Then finally I heard someone at the door. I ran to open it to see Tohru and Kisa smiling very happily at me. "Hey, Aunty Momoko! Ready to go?" Tohru asked me excited. "Sure, let me just grab my things real quick." I said as I ran over to my two small bags in the living room. I threw them over my shoulders and met with the others outside after locking up my house.

Time skip.

We've been driving for at least two hours, and I could tell that the kids wanted to get off. Well, I'm used to riding in small cramped up spaces for a long time, so it didn't bother me as much. When we finally made it to the beach, I was so glad to be finally getting some well-deserved rest. We all dropped out of our things at the vacation house, and changed into our swimsuits before heading back to the beach.

I sat on a towel in the warm sun as I continued to read my book in peace. Or so I thought. Those Sohma idiots began yelling about all kinds of things. "Aunty! Come swim with us! It's so much fun!" I heard Tohru yell as she and Momiji waved me over into the water. I let out a sigh. Surely a small dip won't do me any harm, right?

I took off my hoodie that I was wearing over my swim top. Now I was wearing my top and my small swimming trunks.  I walked over slowly and got ready to splash the brats. And that's how an all-out splash battle was unleashed. It was so much fun! I couldn't remember the last time I laughed so much.

Time skip.

We had a great time at the beach, but it was getting late, so we decided to go back to the vacation house. On our way, I noticed that Tohru, Kisa, and Hiro stopped. "Hey, hurry up! Or you'll be left behind!" I warned them as I continued on my way. "Uh, coming!" Tohru yelled as she ran over. We waited for the other two to hurry up. When Kisa came, she looked pretty upset as she clung to Tohru. I wonder what could have happened to make her so upset. I thought as we all went on our way.

Time went on, and we soon found out that Akito was here. It's just wonderful. I only saw the guy a few times, heard a great deal of horrible things about him, but never met him personally. And quite frankly, I don't want to.. nor do I want him anywhere near any of these kids. Especially Tohru, Kisa, Momiji, and Hiro. I mean their so innocent. And from what Ayame told me so many about what Akito did to Yuki, and for hurting Hatori's eye, I just hope nothing bad happens.

The next day, Tohru, Momiji, and Kisa all went bug hunting. I just laid-back and read my book in peace. But I did notice that Tohru was unusually happy, which meant she was covering up her sadness. I didn't think too much of it, if she wants to talk she will when she's ready. After some time, we were at the beach once more and found out Hiro was going to be a big brother. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.

I was in my swimsuit with a hoodie over my shoulders. I was busy reading my book when Tohru and Kisa suddenly yelled a name that made me freeze. "Shigure!" I slowly stood up and looked behind me, and there he was sitting on the stairs with a smile. I overheard their conversation, and it made my blood boil, Shigure said in a perverted way he liked the 'view' more than the swimming. I threw my hoodie over both Tohru and Kisa and held them behind me.

"Now that's a view." Shigure said, looking me up and down, with a smirk that sends a chill down my spine. I now just realized that I was basically in a two-piece swimsuit, in front of Shigure, the craziest perv ever. "Stop looking at me like that!" I yelled as my face began to warm in fast. I threw my book at his face to force him away from me. "Oh, relax. I'm just messing with you, same with you boys." Shigure said as he looked behind him at the boys who came back with a bunch of watermelons. They were not pleased with him any more than I was.

We made our way back and celebrated that Hiro was going to be a big brother. I stayed away from them as Ayame and I decided to catch up a bit. "I really do feel bad for leaving you all alone with those teens." Ayame said as he took a sip from his tea. "Ayame, how long do I have to keep lying to everyone?" I asked him as I looked him in the eye sadly. "I understand that it's hard, my dear, but trust me, it's for the best." He reassured me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I know, but..!" I started then looked at the floor, my hands tightened on my pants. "It feels so wrong, lying to everyone. I've known for years, and yet I still need to keep it secret from your family, and now my own as well.." I said, then I felt something wet drop lightly on my hand. "It hurts.. It hurts so much..." I said as I covered my face in an attempt to stop the tears and failing miserably. Ayame leand in closer and placed his arm around my shoulder, trying to comfort me best he can.

"What if we have another close call like last time with Momiji? How will we cover it up then? And with Akito here, it only makes things harder!" I said as I faced Ayame, hoping he'd be able to help me. "I'm so sorry for putting you through this, Momo. But I don't know what to tell you or how to help. Just know I'm always by your side." Ayame said as he laid his forehead against mine.

3rd person pov.

What Ayame and Momoko didn't know was that Shigure was right outside at that moment. He saw it. He saw how close they were, and it began to enrage him. He didn't really know what they were talking about, but he wanted to know why Momoko couldn't talk to him about it. He wanted to make things better between himself and Momoko, but how is he supposed to do that if she's avoiding him? What is she hiding from him? And why does he want to beat Ayame up so badly?

T. B. C.

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