First Incounter

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Momoko's pov.

The stupid old man wouldn't let it go, he's lucky I don't walk around with my guns or knives. But for some reason he called me yesterday and said he wanted to help me get a new job, until I felt comfortable going back to the force. And for some reason the job is being a gym teacher, of all things, why a gym teacher!? But I wasn't getting anywhere so I told him I'd check it out then decide.

He asked me to pick him up and he'll show me how to get to the school. So me in a room with a bunch of snot nosed kids, wonderful. I drove all the way to the school and was already regretting this when I saw the kids. We were walking to the principals office and all I saw were more and more annoying brats.

"How did you talk me into this?" I asked as my shoulders slumped down and my head low. "Haha, oh chin up my dear. I promise you this won't be a waist of time. Besides you get to practice every day now at a well cept gym." he said walking next to me. I let out a long sigh as I straightened up and crossed my arms.

We made it to the principals office there were three kids standing next to each other. All three had glasses, and serious faces. There were two girls and one boy that stood in the middle. "Hello, you must be miss Yamaki. It's nice to meet you."said the principal as he stood and shook my hand."Yeah, that's me." I said plainly. (I don't know if that really was Kyoko's last name before getting married, please go with me on this.)

"This is the school's presedant and his followers, they will be showing you around." he went on. I nodded my head at them.

Time skip.

"....and here is the girls locker room. And that is the boys locker room next to it. We will now be going to your office if you accept the job." they cept on showing me around when I noticed the old geezer was gone. "Hey did you three see where the geezer went?" I asked the three kids in front of me. They turned around and looked. "I didn't see him go." "Nor have I." said the girls. "Perhaps he got lost." said the boy. "Great, you guys can go back to class or wherever your suppose to be I'll go look for him."I said and let out an even bigger sigh then before.

I regret coming here, I regret listening to the old idiot, ugh. I cept walking until I saw him talking to a tall blonde haired girl and a short black haired girl. What is he up to now? They started walking, I walked faster to catch up. When I was walking side by side with him I asked "So what's the real reason you wanted me to come here?" "Hehe, where's the fun in that? It'll ruin the surprise."he answered with a bright smile on his face.

Okay, now I really don't know why my sister wanted to marry into this family. I mean the old man is a real pain in the neck, his daughter is beyond the lines of a bitch, her son has to much of an ego, and her daughter is more spoiled than anyone I ever met. Then again the geezers son...was fine.

"Momoko dear, can you please wait out here for me?" asked the geezer snapping me back to the real world. I raised my eyebrow at the question. "Umm...sure, I guess."I answered. I leaned against the wall my eyes closed and arms crossed as I waited for the old idiot. After a few minutes he came out with a bright smile on his face, brighter than usual. Now this got me annoyed, what is he up to.

"Alright old man, you had your fun, now you better tell me why you're doing nothing but waist my time."I said as I stepped slowly into the classroom. I heard a few people gasping out of shock, so I opened my eyes and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I froze, right there where I stood. I couldn't move an inch, I couldn't get a single word out of my mouth or even blink anymore. "There's no way..."the little brown haired girl said, but could not finish her sentence. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and turned around and was about to walk away. "Wait, please!" yelled someone, grabbing my sleeve, I looked down at who it was, it was the same girl. Her eyes looked tearry, I just let out a loud groan,this is annoying.

"Old man you're even more stubborn than my sister, that is not good and this is not funny."I said glaring at the geezer. "I know, but it sure is intertainning." he said as a small giggle left his lips. "Come on." I said as I left the classroom with the girl following behind. Damn him, damn Kyoko, damn everything!

I walked down a flight of stairs and stopped at the window. I let out an annoyed sigh."Damn that old man, he doesn't understand the meaning no."I said to myself. "Huh, who do you mean? Grandpa?" asked a voice behind me. I shook my head. "I guess I owe you an explanation, huh?" I asked as I faced her.

"Well I mean if you don't mind I'd like one, but maybe if you do you don't have to that's fine, but I would like.." "IT'S A YES OR NO QUESTION, COME ON!!" I yelled at the girl. "Oh, I'm sorry, so sorry, really!" she apologized as she cept bowing. Man she's as a annoying as her dad, what did Kyoko see in these people? "Man, why did she have to make this hard for me, damn sis." I said looking at the ceiling. I still have a meeting with my therapist, let's get this over with.

"I'm your mothers younger sister, your aunt. I've been in the military for five years now, and your family never told me about what happened to Kyoko. Me and your mom never got along, so when she got married, we only drifted apart even more. I only ever talked to you about four times, three times when your dad was, well you know. And once when you were in preschool, I don't really know how that happened but it did. I'm not ready to take in any kids so sorry, but your ganna have to stay with your friends. That reason is very personal so you won't be able to get that answer. And I don't think I would ever really see or talk to you ever again. Any questions?"I asked her.

"Umm, yeah actually I do have one." she said playing with her fingers. "Spit it out." I said calmly. "If you didn't want to ever actually talk or see me, then why are you here?" her question really cought me of gard. "Your grandpa tricked me into thinking this was really a job interview." "Oh, well umm, sorry about him and this."she lowered her head. I can't believe Im doing this."Hey I'll walk you to class so you won't get into trouble. I have a meeting coming up so I better drop the old fart at his place."I said not making eye contact.

She grabbed my hand and started to walk, I was confused, why is she holding my hand? "It's easy to get lost around here, I got lost almost every day of my first week."she said looking at me with a bright happy smile. A smile that looked a lot like her mothers smile, I don't know why but it felt like Kyoko was smiling at me through her daughter. I didn't pull away, it felt nice having someone hold my hand. I couldn't help but show a small smile on my face.

Kyoko, I'll try, I will try to be a aunt she deserves. I'll try to patch things up by looking out for her. I'll try to get to know her, to try and love her as you did. She meant a lot to you, so I'll try to be the best I can be, for Tohru.

T. B. C

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