Midnight troubles

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3rd person pov.

Momoko and Tohru were both giggling at the stories they told each other. "Wait, so you actually stayed in a tent, and once Shigure and Yuki found out, what did they do?" Momoko asked as she wanted to know more. "Well Shigure couldn't stop himself from laughing like crazy and Yuki was rather calm the whole time. After part of the cliff collapsed right on my tent they took me in." Momoko couldn't help but be amazed at how horrible things were for her niece, yet she stayed strong after all that.

"It's getting late, and you have school tomorrow. Bed time." Momoko told Tohru as she got off the bed so the teenager could sleep. "Wait where are you going aunty Momoko?" Tohru asked confused when she saw her aunt about to close the door behind her. "Don't worry, I'm just gonna get some water then I'll be right back." Momoko reassured her, she turned off the lights and went to the kitchen.

As she poured herself a glass of water she heard the floor planks cracking. Momoko quickly grabbed any nearby object which ended up being a small yet sharp knife. She spun around holding the knife high, "Hey, hey it's just me!" yelled Kyo in fear for his life. Momoko let out a breath and put the knife down. "Jeez kid you gave me a heart attack." Momoko told the teenage boy in front of her. "I GAVE YOU A HEART ATTACK, YOU WERE THE ONE WHO HELD A KNIFE READY TO STICK ME!!" Kyo yelled.

"You shouldn't sneak up on woman especially in the middle of the night. Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Momoko questioned the boy. "I came to get some water." he explained. "You better get back to bed before, as you call him, 'rat boy' finds you here." Momoko warned him, he nodded his head and went back to bed. Momoko on the other hand was considering to as well but decided against it, she went to the living room, found a photo album on the table.

She sat down and looked through it. There were all sorts of photos, but it was only about four people. Hatori, Ayame, Shigure and Momoko, from when they were little kids to when they were teenagers all their good memories together. Momoko smiled softly at the memories they made together. Two pages caught her off guard, they were covered top to bottom in photos of her. Just her, smiling, laughing, and happy.

Why would there be pages of just me in them. She wondered as she continued to look at the photos. "Shouldn't you be asleep?" Momoko heard a voice behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Shigure walking over to her. "What's that?" he asked as he looked over her shoulder. His eyes went wide when he realized which pages she was looking at.  "Well now this is embarrassing." he said as a slight blush formed on his face.

"Oooh~ so this is you book is it." Momoko said smirking at the man. Shigure sat next to her, rather close, as he placed his hand on one of the pages covered in photos of Momoko. "I made these pages just a year or so before graduation." he told her. She looked at him in amazement, and he looked at her in longing. He had almost forgotten what it felt like to have an intense yet calm moment with her. All he wanted was to smash his lips against hers and never let go.

However to change the subject and mainly to distract himself from his urge he cleared his throat and asked, "So why is it that you aren't asleep in bed with Tohru? Or maybe you were looking for my room in hopes of sleeping with me?" He got close to her a rather evil smirk on his face. Momoko somewhat unfazed by this just slammed her hand on his face and pushed it back in annoyance. "Keep dreaming Shigure." she stated calmly.

Shigures pov.

I can't believe I forgot to to put this back in my room! And what's worse!? Now Momoko knows about the photos I have of her!! I thought, panicking in my head. "You know, when I was in the milatary I always thought that if I died no one would care." Momoko told me out of the blue, hearing her say that broke my heart. "But seeing the photos of when we were younger and seeing as you kept these photos of me, it made me realize that you, Ayame and Hatori would be upset. Now that I've reunited with my niece it gave me hope for a better future." Momoko went on.

That look.

That is the exact look she had on when I first met her. The look that started it all. The look that made me fall in love with her more every day, without fail. The look of calmness, hopefulness. Full of love and compassion, the look that nobody else can master except Momoko. That look is who she is, it's her, its just Momoko.

"Momoko..." I said as I grabbed her chin and made her look at me. I looked into her big bright green eyes, as she looked into my dark ones. I couldn't help but get lost in them, I could feel myself leaning closer towards her. I was getting closer, closer. But just when I was about to close the gap between us she stopped me by putting her hands on my chest and pushing me back a little. "Shigure stop." She said as she looked away from me, her once hopeful happy face now sad and disappointed.

"We went through this back at high school graduation, and it didn't end well. Until you really proved to me that you care more about me than your family, I'm afraid I can't go through another heartbreak like that again. So please, just.. stop." Her words hurt even more than a knife to the heart. Her eyes  were starting to tear up. It made me so sad, so sad to see her like that, sad to see her look so vulnerable, so weak. And knowing that I was the cause of her pain and sadness only made me regret what happened even more.

"I, I should head back to bed before Tohru wakes up and gets worried." Momoko said as she quickly stood up and walked away from me. I tried to reach out for her hand to stop her only to freeze. I did this. I caused this. This is my punishment. It's true what they say, karma really is a bitch.


MOM HAS A SISTER!? (Shigure x oc) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora