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Momoko's pov.

It was four, I still had to go to Shigures for supper at six. So I stood up and went to take a shower, washing my hair while I'm at it. It felt good to let all stress go. When I was done I wrapped a towel around me and went to my room.

I wasn't really in the mood to dress up fansy, so I desided to only put on my white hoodie, black pants and tied a flads shirt around my waist. Before I went outside I put on my sneakers.

I went to my car and drove to the mountain were I'll be having supper

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I went to my car and drove to the mountain were I'll be having supper. Yeah. Seriously, what does a girl gotta do to get some peace and quiet, no drama, just relaxing.

I finally got to the mountain, and walked up the never-ending stairs. Seriously, couldn't they have had a road here so that their guests could ride up to the house instead of tiring them out. I'll admit this place is beautiful, but it's not an excuse.

I walked over to the house and knocked on the door. It opened to reveal Shigure, he seemed surprised to see me. "Momoko! Wha-uh, what are you doing here?" he asked. "Tohru and the others wouldn't stop bugging me about coming for supper. Didn't they tell you?" I was confused.

"Uh no, actually they didn't. Well, I did think Tohru was making more food than usual." he recalled. "*sigh*Well then, I guess I'll just leave and let you be." I said as I turned to walk away when I felt a hand quickly grab my shoulder and turn me around. "No wait! I-I mean, you're already here, and I wouldn't mind the extra company." Shigure said as he removed his hand and scratched his cheek.

I could see the slightest tint of pink dusting his face. "If your okay with it." I said as he lead me in. He closed the door behind me and lead me to the dining room, where I see Kyo and Yuki setting the table and Tohru struggling to get all the food to the table. Before she could drop anything I walked over to her and grabbed some of the plates with food.

"Oh, aunty Momoko, your here!" she said sounding very happy to see me. "You know, next time you invit someone for supper, you should tell Shigure." I scolded her slightly. "Oh I completely forgot, I'm sorry, so very sorry!" she went on apologizing, and was about to bow when I stopped her with one hand on her head as it went down. "Don't drop the food." was all I said as I placed everything on the table.

I sat down crossing both my arms and my legs, "So, how come Shigure didn't know I was coming?" I asked opening one eye looking at Yuki and Kyo. "I thought you told him you damned rat!" "I told you I was going to help miss Honda study, so I thought you'd use your brain and tell him, stupid cat." "Rat? Cat? Is that some kind of nickname you came up for each other?" I asked knowing that will get everyone to stop bickering and eat, I was hungry.

"Uh, yes they called each other that since they were little. Isn't that cute?" Shigure said covering for them. I see, he still cares more about his so called 'great family' than the actual real caring family he had when we were in high school.

Tohru came and placed the remaining food down, "Alright, dig in!" she said rather chirppy. From the look of the food she prepared, this wasn't the first time she cooked nor the hundredths, I'm guessing my sister was out a lot and she had to cook. Ugh, old habits die hard it would seem.

Shigures pov.

We ate in silence, a rather awkward silence. It was very uncomfortable, well I'm guessing for me and Momoko more than the kids. Man, if only I could turn back the clock, maybe things between us wouldn't be so bad like they are now. I'm starting to wonder how we ended up here in the first place.

Like it would matter, she would have ran the moment she found out about our secret. Sometimes I wonder if she hadn't left for the military, would things be better than they are now, or would it be worse. I quickly glanced at the lovely woman in front of me. She really was lovely, her fair skin her beautiful orange hair that frames her face perfectly, and those big bright green eyes I could just get lost in.

Haha, I see she still has the pursing in her left ear, and she's still wearing her grandmother's old ring. Though there is one thing that has changed a lot since the last time we saw each other. HER CURVES HAS BECOME EVEN MORE LOVELY! (Shigure being a perv, and fangirling at the sight of his friend)

Man if it wasn't for this stupid curse, I would hug her and never let her go. That body, anyone would be lucky to have her body. I think I might have been starting to long, because Momoko looked up from her meal and straight at me. I quickly looked back at my own meal, not wanting to make eye contact.

Time skip.
Momoko's pov.

I finally finished my meal, it wasn't half bad. I stood up taking my plate, "Thanks for the meal." I said as I walked in the kitchen and was about to wash my dishes when Shigure came and stopped me. "Honestly Momoko, your our guest, so you shouldn't be doing the dishes." he scolded me.

I raised my eyebrow at him, "I'm being lectured by a man who doesn't even know how to clean up after himself?" I asked him and he only let out a little chuckle. "Very funny Momoko, but I have metured a lot since we last saw each other." he reassured me with pride in his tone. "Metured my ass." we heard Kyo say from the living room. Shigure seemed shocked at the comment, I only giggle at his reaction.

"Miss Yamiki, perhaps you should come by more often. Maybe then Shigure will start doing his own chores instead of asking one of us to do it." Yuki said with a small smirk on his face. "Mhmm, torture Shigure into doing things he doesn't like doing." I said to myself as a smirk of my own grew on my face. "I'll take it under consideration." I told him, Shigure seemed terrified.

"Well I better get home, it's getting pretty late. Thanks for the food." I said as I walked to the door. "Your leaving already?" Tohru asked sadly. I only nodded. "There are all kinds of strangers lurking around in the woods at this time, I'd feel a little better to walk you to your car." Shigure said some what worriedly.

Time skip.

We were walking down the stairs, I couldn't convince him to let me go alone. "Listen Momoko about what happened back at graduation I uh..." "Don't worry about it, it's in the past." I interrupted him not looking for another argument between us like last time. We made it to my car, I opened the door and was about to climb in when Shigure grabbed my arm.

"Momoko, I really am sorry for what I did. And I know you won't be able to forgive me, so I'm gonna do everything I can to make it up to you. I'll start by taking good care of Tohru." I was surprised at this, "Shigure..."before I could say anything else he planted a soft kiss on my forhaed. "I promise, I will make it up to you." was the last thing he said before turning around and walking back up the stairs.

I climbed into the car, and could feel the heat rising to my face.

T. B. C.

What did Shigure do to make things so awkward between him and Momoko? Why was he so dead set on making things right? And what will he do once he finds out about docter Hataki having the hots for Momoko? Find out next time.

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