chapter 24

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Just a little note, English is not my first language, so sorry for any and all bad grammar and mistakes. And this one is kinda stupid so sorry.

3rd person pov.

Shigure went home with a smile on his face that he just could not get rid of. And truth be told, he didn't really bother to try. So when Tohru, Kyo and Yuki came home to see him all lively and cheerful they were surprised to say the least. "Shigure seems to be in a good mood!" Tohru chirped as she and the boys watched their guardian hum a happy tune. "He's kinda freaking me out." Kyo said as he tried to wrap his brain around the sudden change of attitude in the sly, idiotic perv they lived with.

"Oh! Hello kids! How was your day!?" Shigure asked with so much joy that both Yuki and Kyo got even more concerned for the man's mental state. "Apparently not as good as yours was." Yuki said as he slightly pulled the naive teen girl towards him and the cat, just in case. "Ooh it was nothing mager! Just got so much inspiration that I don't want to waste!" Shigure said as he smiled brightly at the high schoolers. "And where did all this inspiration come from, exactly?" Kyo asked. "Oh when I ran into Momoko at the park today!" Shigure said it like it was no big deal.

"Oh, aunt Momoko? How is she? Let me guess she was busy walking Demon, right?" Tohru asked as she went to the kitchen to prepare some tea for everyone. "Indeed she was. She looked well. At least as far as I could tell." Shigure said as he continued to write away on some paper. "Say Yuki, mind reading this and telling me what you think." Shigure said as he handed the young man the paper to inspect.

Yuki's eyes ran across the words it had written on it. "Hmm, very well and clear. The wording is so good I'm able to picture the settings and people without struggle." Yuki said with a small smile. "I've never seen you so passionate about a novel before. You must have high hopes for it." "Indeed I do! And I don't want to disappoint anyone." Shigure said as he took back the paper. The look in his eyes said that there was a much deeper meaning behind him wanting it to be a success. But it was clear it was a personal problem so the teens left it.

"Well I'm sure it would be a wonderful story. And I know for a fact that aunt Momoko loves books, so when your done with it I'd like to give her a copy. If that's okay with you." Tohru said with a bright smile as she placed the cups of steaming tea down on the small table. "Thank you." Yuki thanked her. "Oh I'd love it if you did show it to her when it's done." Shigure beamed at her as he took his cup. "Great!" Tohru cheered not noticing the lost look in the man's eyes as his mind wondered of to the woman whom he is really writing the book for.

Time skip.

Yuki was busy helping Tohru with her homework and finishing his own. The same with Kyo, though he was doing his in his room. Shigure continued on with the new story. New ideas came and he didn't want to forget a single one of them. As he wrote and finished a new chapter, his mind began to drift and wonder over the former soldier woman who has entranced him so.

With Momoko.

Momoko was busy working on her laptop. However her mind was not in her work. And she had to read the same line at least three times before she knew what it said. Her thoughts were stuck on something or rather someone else. She couldn't help it. She kept thinking of the man she cared for so deeply, but who she could never have. Feeling depressed, sad and lonely she let out a hopeless sigh as she felt her heart ache more and more.

"WOOF!!" She heard next to her. And there sat Demon on his chair looking her deep in the eye. He let out a small whine as he tilted his head at her, almost like he's asking, 'are you alright? Is there anything I can do to help?' She couldn't fight the smile that formed on her lips as she gave up on work and went to her loving dog. "Don't worry boy. I'll be fine." She said scratching him behind his ear. "How does pizza sound?" She got a loud bark and a happy tail wag as an answer, making her laugh.

She ordered two large pizza's, one hawian the other BBQ chicken. Just as she was about to get comfortable on the couch to watch a movie on Netflix the phone rang. "Seriously!" Momoko groaned as she reluctantly got up to answer. "This better be good, or so help.." "Hey aunt Momoko!" She was interrupted by the voice of her niece on the other line. "Oh Tohru, it's you. This is unexpected. What's up?" Momoko asked completely forgetting that she was about to threaten the teenage girl.

"Nothing much really. I just wanted to check in on you, see how your doing. Are you taking your medicine?" Tohru asked from the phone. "You sound like Hatori. You do know that I'm not Ayame or Shigure, I'm waay more mature than those two combined!" Momoko said with a lot of pride. "Hehehe. Sorry sorry. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that Shigure is writing a new book and guess what? Your his inspiration for it! Isn't that amazing!" Momoko was taken aback by the news.

I'm.. I'm his muse? Momoko thought amazed and stunned by the news. "Umm, aunt Momoko? Are you still there?" Tohru asked, her voice laced with worry. "Huh? Oh yeah sorry, just shocked I guess. But are you sure that I'm his inspiration. I find it hard to believe." Momoko said as she heard Demon barking with excitement, as he played with his stuffed toy. "I'm sure! He told us so himself! He said after he ran into you in the park he was full of inspiration! Full of ideas!" Tohru explained with excitement.

"The park huh? Well in that case he should thank Demon for running off and tackling him to the ground again." Momoko said as she eyed the dog, who seemed to realise that he was the topic of the conversation tilted his head at her, his stuffed cow in his mouth. Momoko just shook her head at him. And so Momoko talked with her niece for another five minutes before hanging up.

Warmth. That's all Momoko could feel when she went to sit back on the couch in a daze. "I-I can't believe it.." she said to herself. She felt a heavy weight on her leg. "Sorry buddy. You must be hungry huh? I'm sure there might be a can of your favorite dog food in the cobert." She explained as she got up and found the very can she was talking about. She quickly scooped a few spoon fulls and mixed it with some normal dog food pills. "Here ya go boy!" She chirped as she placed it gently on the floor for the dog to eat.

Just then the door bell rung. Hurrying over she payed for her food and went to eat herself. While eating she couldn't help but wonder what the book could be about. Shigure... What in the world are you doing? I already told you not to get my hopes up and yet here you are doing the exact apposite. Momoko thought as she enjoyed her meal.

With Shigure.

It was dark and the kids were getting ready for bed. Shigure was finishing off his last bit of tea along with a few more pages of the first few chapters of his new book. Momoko.. I know its wrong of me to make you wait for so long, but please wait just a little longer. I promise it'll all be worth it. Shigure thought as he put everything away so he could get a good night's sleep.

T. B. C.

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