Bouquet of tulips

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3rd person pov.

It took awhile, but Hatori and Yuki were finally able to convince Tohru that it was time to go. They had to drag Ayame out of the room by force. "Sorry, I'll be there in a minute. I forgot something." Shigure said as he quickly rushed back into the room where Momoko was still sleeping.  He walked over to the bedside table and placed the bouquet in the scentor before putting the gift card down on top of the flowers. Then he hurried out before anyone noticed what he did. He and everyone else went back home, still worried but not as much as they were half and hour ago.

Time skip.

It was late in the night and Shigure was struggling to sleep. He felt very nervous about how Momoko would react to his message that he wrote for her. Frustrated, he got up and went to the kitchen only to realize that the light was already on. When his eyes adjusted to the brightness he noticed who was in there with him. "Tohru? Why are you still up?" He asked, rubbing his eyes as he walked over to her.

She quickly turned surprised and her red eyes were clear as day. "O-oh, Shigure! Sorry, did I wake you?" She asked pretending nothing was wrong. "Tohru, there's nothing to be ashamed about. You don't need to pretend everything's alright. How 'bout you sit down and I make us some relaxing tea?" Shigure offered. As he walked past Tohru, he gave her a pat on the head sending her to the dining/TV room.

As Shigure was brewing the tea, the soft sounds of sobbs filled his ears. He went stiff, slowly turning around to see tears streaming down the teenage girl's face. He hurried to finish the tea, bringing it to the table and placing them down, before sitting down himself. "Take a deep breath in and out. Here the tea will help calm you down a bit." Shigure tried to comfort the emotional teen before him. Wiping her tears best she could, Tohru took the cup of warm liquid and small, slow sips to ease herself. Shigure smiled to himself seeing as he was able to relieve the child for the time being.

"Shigure.." The said man put his cup down, giving all his attention to Tohru. "Do.. do you th-think that, um.." Tohru struggled to speak her mind. "Don't even think about negative things. Your aunt is one of the toughest and most terrifying women in the world. There's absolutely nothing she can't face." He smiled sweetly at her. "Well she was able to defeat cancer so.. so I guess your right!" Tohru chirped. This took Shigure by surprise, "I'm sorry, what now?" He asked confused, wanting to take a step back.

"Ohh right! You weren't there when the doctor told us, were you? Well while you were off looking for a gift, the doctor told me that she was fully recovered from cancer! She was completely healthy!" She explained very happily. Shigure's heart was beating with so much joy that he thought it was almost about to burst. "Thank goodness..." he said softly. The two of them continued to drink their tea in comfortable silence.

"Alright young lady, off to bed with you." Shigure said sternly once he knew Tohru was finished. She let out a small giggle, giving him a mocking salute, "Yes sir!" Shigure went to the kitchen to wash up the cups. Tohru stopped just before she came to the stairs, turning to the man behind her. "Umm, Shigure? If it's alright, can I please know what was it you got my aunt just before we left?"

Her question made Shigure stop with what he was doing for a second before drying the cups and putting them away. "I simply got her a bouquet of tulips. Now, bedtime." He said, shooing her away. He went back to his room, laying awake in bed, yet again. I wonder if Momoko has woken up yet. Or if she's seen the tulips and read my letter. How will she react towards it all. Shigure thought as he closed his eyes.

Back at the hospital.
Momoko's pov.

Sore. That was all I felt all over my body. I tried to open my eyes, but I felt that they were very heavy. I was finally able to slowly open my eyes, only to be blinded by a bright light. I looked around the room, trying to remember what happened, where I was or how I got here. I slowly sat up and noticed that I had an I.V. plugged into my left hand, and a cast on my right. Suddenly the door opened and a tall blonde man, in a doctor's caught, a clipboard in hand, walked in.

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