chapter 25

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Momoko's pov.

As time went I found out that Tohru has officially befriended all of the zodiac members. I was very impressed by this. But I was a little worried about how near to the end of the year it was getting. After they graduate from high school, Tohru will be kicked out, Shigure and all the other zodiac will be prisoners to Akito and poor Kyo will be locked away like some monster. I was, in all honesty, more scared about the hyper cat boy than I was for the rest. But today my worries for him increased ten fold by the unexpected visit I got.

I opened my front door and there he was standing before me with a worried guilty face. "Kyo? What an unexpected surprise. What can I do for you." I asked as I watched him stand there nervous and uncomfortable. "Um I huh, can I come in?" He asked awkwardly as he glaced around him, avoiding eye contact. "Um sure, I guess. Come on in." I said as I allowed him inside. He walked in looking around before awkwardly standing in the living room.

"Take a seat. Then we can talk." I said as I took a seat myself. I thought I saw tears in his eyes as he sat down. He raised his hands to his face to hide it. The poor boy was shaking, like he was scared of what he was about to say. "Are you okay kid? D-do you need something? What happened?" I asked a bunch of questions not sure what to do really. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! So so so sorry!" He snapped as tears ran down his face. I was in shock. Not what I was expecting. The first thing that came to mind was that something happened to Tohru.

"Kyo! What in the!? What are you apologizing for!?" I began to panic. "It's my fault! It's all my fault!" He went on. "Kid I can't help you unless you tell me what's wrong." I stated now a bit more calm. I placed my hand on his shoulder to try and help calm him down. He took in a shaky breath, wiping away his remaining tears. "I should've done something to help her, like she helped me." He told me.

I still didn't understand what was going on. "I knew your sister." I instantly froze. He then went on to explain how he met and made promises to my sister. He even went on to tell me about how he witnessed her death. My heart dropped. This kid, watched my sister die right in front of him. He blamed himself and felt guilty because of how his feelings for my niece grew not to mention how he found out about me only made things worse for him.

I don't know what came over me, but I pulled him into a tight hug. "It's okay. Everything iss okay." I said as I rubbed his back reassuring. "You might blame yourself, but I don't. If working for the military has taught me anything, is that no matter how hard you try even when you expect it, you still can't save everyone." I told him as I made him look me in the eye as I held his face in my hands. I could feel the tears in my own eyes began to form.

"Kyo, as long as you stay by Tohru's side and keep her safe, like you promised my sister all those years ago, then I can be at ease." I said as I wiped his cheeks a bit to help clear his vision. "Miss Momoko.." he breathed out. I smiled at him, it wasn't really a happy smile, more of a sad and pained smile. "Will you keep your promise to my sister for me?" I said as I took in a shaky breath myself. "Please." Kyo bit his lips as he suddenly started to nod his head before smiling at me, "I promise!" I pulled him into another well needed hug.

Time skip.

After that little incident I knew I had to talk to someone in his family. It didn't matter who, weather it was one of the kids or Hatori, I just needed to talk to someone. My emotions were all over and before I knew it, I was standing before his house. I banged on the door before I could think, and moments later he had opened the door and he was at a loss. "Momoko.." "I need help." I said as I basically barged into his house.

"Shigure, I need help. I-I don't know who to turn to, a-and Kyo.." I rambled as I walked into his living room. "Momoko. Momoko." He kept repeating my name to grab my attention but I was too far in a panic to hear him. "Momoko!" He called as he grabbed me by my shoulders and made me look at him. "Calm down. I'm right here. I'm here and I'll help you anyway I can." Shigure told me as he pulled me into a hug. And then I I couldn't fight it anymore. I burst out in tears and clung to him for dear life. My knees gave out under me. With that we both went and sat in each other's arms, and I continued to cry.

"Momoko, what can I do to help you? I want to help you. Just tell me what to do." Shigure said as he tried to wrap his head around what just happened. I shook my head as I slightly tightened my hold on him. "I just need you to be here with me, right now." I said as the tears continued to pour. I buried my face in his chest, as he began to pat my head. We stayed like that in silence. This was just what I needed. All I wanted was to be held in someone's embrace. Though maybe I was just looking for an excuse to see him. I wanted to see him.

"I'm sorry. I don't want you to play or with you or.." he tried to start a conversation but I didn't want him to apologize to me for what I'm doing. "Shigure, shut up!" I said as I pulled him down and smacked my lips onto his. I couldn't stop myself. And before I knew it we were basically making out on the floor. But before anything could continue, I pulled away. Both of us were breathing heavily, trying to catch our breaths.

I couldn't look him in the eye. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what I got.." he silenced me by putting his fingers on my lips. "Shh. I don't care. I think i needed that too." He said as his lips hovered over mine. "Shigure.." I breathed. And the next thing I know we went and did it all over again. To be honest it was a good thing that the kids weren't here. They were out with friends or doing who knows what. So it was just the two of us and it was still 11:00.

Time skip.

Now still in Shigure's arms, but now in his bed with nothing but the sheets covering us. "Shigure what are we doing?" I asked as I made sure that I was covered as I sat up to look at him. "What do you mean?" He asked as he sat up too. "Shigure, this is serious." I scolded him. "And I told you before that I don't care and that I needed that too." He told me before he gave me a sly smirk. "And besides you enjoyed it just as much as I did."

I gave him a look of disbelief as I wrapped myself up in the sheets and gathered my clothes. "Okay so basically what your telling me is that you just wanted a good time. Great. Thanks for using my vulnerability like that." I said as I began to dress myself. "Why the hell did I ever come here?" I whispered to myself, furious at myself. "Wait what? Hold on, that's not.." "No no, don't." I interrupted him as I got dressed even faster when I noticed that he was getting his pants back on.

I rushed to get out of the house as quick as possible. "Wait, Momoko! Wait a sec, please!" He called out as he hurried after me, but I never stopped. "Why!? So you can have more time to find a way to play with me more?" I asked sarcastically. "No! Please stay!" He began to try and grab me. I retracted my arm from his reach. "Why should I give you the pleasure?" I asked as I tried to fight the tears.

I turned around and began walking to the door yet again. "Momoko don't. Please don't leave me again!" He tried again, but I don't want to hear it. "I LOVE YOU!!" I stopped just as I was about to open the door. I slowly turned around to look at him. "What did you just say?" He looked just as shocked as I was. Almost like he wasn't expecting to say that himself. "I said that I, that I love you. I love you, Momoko. I really do. I just wish it didn't take me so long or so many mistakes to figure it out. And for that I'm sorry."

This day was nothing but confusing. First Kyo comes by and confess' to so much guilt he's been carrying. Then I come here for who knows what really. Had a heated make out session with Shigure before wanting to punch him yet again. And now he finally said the three words I've been dieing to hear for years. "I love you, Momoko. Do you love me?" That's the big question, isn't. Do I love Shigure?

T. B. C.

Really really sorry it took so long. There's been a lot of drama with tests and studying and there's still drama even now. So really sorry. I'll try to update more.

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