chapter 29

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Shigure's pov.

It's been a few days now, and Momoko basically moved in. It was great having her around. Yes, she still went to work at the police station, but she always came back before six. Of course, I kept busy with the book I was writing. Since Momoko was around more, my inspiration just kept pouring out, and I didn't want to waste any of it. Before I knew it, I had written four new chapters.

I figured I'd take a break and make myself some tea. "We're home!" I heard from the entrance. "Welcome back, you three. How was your day?" I asked with a smile as they entered the living room. "Exhausting, but nothing we can't handle! What about you, Shigure?" Tohru asked as she took a seat next to me. "It was alright. I managed to finish some new chapters if you want to read them." I informed her. "Really!? I'd love to read them!" the young girl said as her eyes sparkled.

Tohru read through the knew chapters eagerly. When she was done, she didn't run short on good things to say about any of them. When she finally calmed down, she went to prepare supper. We waited for about almost an hour before Momoko joined us. Her new job, training  service dogs for the police and fire department, was taking a toll on her. She was rather exhausted and slumped down with a heavy sigh.

"Rough day?" I asked innocently as she gave me a groan as an answer. "You're lucky you get to stay at home all day and not have to deal with annoying people since you are the annoying person." She said with a pout. Both Yuki and Kyo struggled to hold back their laughter. "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm an absurd delight!" I smiled at her innocently. She didn't think I was funny. "Dinners ready!" Tohru declared happily. The two young boys quickly hurried to help her set the table.

After we ate and cleaned up, the kids went and finished their last bits of homework. In other words, Momoko and I were left all alone. I stole a glaze of the beauty beside me as she continued to read her book. While I was looking at her, I couldn't help but wonder about our future. And in my daze, I blurted out something unexpected. "I want you to move in with me." But I knew that I meant it. "Wh-what..?" Momoko looked taken aback and in complete shock as she looked me in the eye.

"I said I want you to move in with me." I repeated calmly with a smile. "B-but why all of a sudden?" She asked as her face continued to grow red. Seeing her flustered and embarrassed was so cute. "Well, I've been thinking lately, I know I want you in my life. I don't want to lose you again." I said as I crested her cheek while leaning in closer to her. "I want to keep you safe, and the only way I can do that is if you stay close to me." I whispered, my thumb on her bottom lip. "So please, move in with me." I felt her lean in to my touch. "Okay." She whispered before our lips finally locked.

3rd person pov.

"Gross." Kyo commented softly from his hiding spot. "Shhh!" Tohru hushed him from behind him. "It's about time." Yuki mumbled with a small smile from his own hiding spot. All three teens were spying on their guardians and rather happy that the two adults were working through their problems together. "We better give them some privacy." Yuki whispered as he went upstairs to his room. The other two soon followed.

Time skip.

After a small make-out session, Momoko and Shigure were laying in bed and wondering what their next move would be. The blanket was between the two to prevent Shigure from transforming. "So, how are we gonna explain this to everyone?" Momoko asked. "I was kinda hoping you knew of a way." Shigure let out a chuckle. "Even in serious situations, you always find a way to be lazy." Momoko shook her head.

"So when do you wanna move in?" Shigure asked softly. "Mmm, don't really know. I'll need to find out what to do with Demon. I can't keep leaving him at the training center or alone at home. He'd get lonely." Momoko said as she began to remember she had a dog who needed to be taken care of. "He can stay here too." Shigure's words made Momoko sit up and look at him surprised. "Are you sure!? I mean, he's a big dog, and he'll need a lot of attention!" Momoko explained.

But Shigure just smiled at her. "I'm great with dogs! We can get him a nice doghouse. He'll have plenty of space in the yard, not to mention that since I'll be home all day, I can take him on walks through the mountain." Shigure explained. "You would do that?" Momoko asked, amazed. "I want to stay with you and keep you safe. But I also want to make you happy, and I know how much you love Demon. It'd be wrong to separate you two." Momoko was so happy she was speechless.

"So no, that we know what to do with Demon, time to think of when and what will be moving here with you." Shigure said calmly. "Well, all the things that I won't need, I could either sell or donate. And I'll have to get someone to buy my current house. And that might take a while." She began to ramble. "Alright then! We'll slowly begin to move your things while an agent gets someone to move in there." Shigure said. Momoko let out a soft giggle as she planted a soft kiss on Shigure's cheek. "Thank you, Shigure."

Time skip.

Shigure woke up alone in bed, and the smell of bacon told him that breakfast was ready. He lazily got up and checked to see Momoko preparing breakfast for everyone. "You're up early." He commented as he rubbed the sleep in his eyes. "No, you're up late." Momoko corrected him. "And besides, I'm making breakfast and lunch for three high schoolers, so I had to be up early. Not all of us can laze around all day like you. Seriously, what kind of example are you setting for the kids." Shigure made himself a cup of coffee as he thought about how she scolded him.

"I can't help but wonder if this will be our lives in the near future." Shigure said nonchalantly. Momoko looked over at him, confused. "What do you mean?" She asked as she wrapped the last bento up before buttering some toast. "Well, maybe someday, we'll have our own kids. You'll make lunch and tell me how lazy I am, wanting me to be a better example for our kids. And when they finally leave the house, the two of us get to have our own fun~." Shigure said with a low voice and a sly smile. Momoko went beet red. "Oh, come on! It's too early for this crap!" Someone complained.

When they looked at the entryway, there stood the threeteens. "Well, this is awkward.." Tohru said with a nervous laugh and slight blush on her face. Yuki covered his eyes as his cheeks were also slightly red. Kyo, on the other hand, looked extremely annoyed. Out of panic, Momoko shoved Shigure away. "Sorry! Please ignore this!" She apologized to them while Shigure couldn't help but chuckle.

Once the kids were done eating, Momoko sent them off with a smile. "Have fun! And stay safe!" She called. "We will!" Tohru waved goodbye as she took after the two boys. "Aren't you going to work?" Shigure asked when he saw Momoko still hadn't left. Momoko smiled brightly at him. "Well, I called and asked for a day off!" She cheered. That news made Shigure very happy.

"Before you get any ideas, I took the day off to start organizing things for moving. And we'll be looking for a big doghouse too." Momoko explained as a depressing cloud formed around Shigure. "Come on! Grab your wallet! You're gonna pay for lunch later today!" Momoko said as she walked past him to get her car keys. "Fine, but I'm choosing where we eat!" Shigure declared as they put on their shoes. "Deal!" And with that, Momoko and Shigure spend their time getting boxes and discussing what will stay and what had to be sold.

T. B. C.

MOM HAS A SISTER!? (Shigure x oc) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя