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(Please just imagine her haircut reaches her shoulders and that her eyes are green not brown. P. S. This is Momoko, and Momoko's bangs are over her left eye while Kyoko's are over her right eye. You can't really see it but in the photo Momoko has a pursing in her ear and wears a ring on her left middle finger.)

Momoko pov.

I can't believe I am doing this, I haven't seen Kyoko in at least ten years and it might be seven years for the princess of hers. I can't believe how fast time flies when you're in the military. I just hope nothing bad happens, otherwise I'd have to call my therapist and I am NOT in the mood for that.

As I walked up the stairs it's quiet, really quiet. It makes me feel uncomfortable, I know they still lived in the same complex, in the same apartment. I stopped at their door and knocked two times. No answer, weird. I knocked again, still nothing. Okay that's it, where's the land lady? I walked back down and walked into the land ladies office. "Excuse me, but do you by any chance know where Kyoko Honda is?" I asked the old lady at the desk.

She seemed shocked, and her eyes showed sadness. "You mean you don't know? I figured everyone knew by now." she said in an even sadder voice. I was so lost right now, what was she talking about. "Know what, miss?" I asked as calmly as possible. She took in a big breath of air. "Kyoko died in an accident almost a year ago." she breaved out. My eyes widden, I couldn't breathe anymore. "What? How? Why?" I couldn't think straight enough to finish my questions.

"Ma'am are you alright, do you need help?" the lady asked with worry. I breathed heavyly as I tried to catch my breath. "Ma'am?" she asked again. "W-what, what about her kid. Where is she?" I asked once my breathing was back to normal. "Oh, you mean Tohru? Well from what I heard she's staying with her grandfather." she
answered."Okay, thanks."I said as I walked out and went to my car.

I leand against my car as I got my phone out and called my therapist. The phone rang three times before he answered "Hello, this is Doctor Hataki. How can I help you?" he asked. "She's gone, man, she's been gone for almost a year now and I didn't know it!!" I burst out in tears as the words fell out my mouth. "Okay, slow down Momoko, who's gone?" "WHO DO YOU THINK!?" I yelled into my phone. "KYOKO'S GONE MAN, SHE'S GONE!"

"Alright Momoko, breath. Do you want to have a meeting now or later in the day?" he asked in a calming voice. "Umm, m-maybe tomorrow, if that's okay with you?" I asked finally calming down. "Of course, I'll send you a text for when you can come in." "Thanks, I'll see you then." I said before I hung up.

I can't believe it. Why, why didn't anyone tell me that my big sister was dead!? Tohru, I wonder how she's taking all of this. I'll go to the old man's house to find out what is going on around here. I climbed in my car and drove to the old man's place.

Time skip.

When I finally got to his house, I parked and walked up to the door. I knocked three times, nice and hard so he can know I'm beyond pissed. A young man with glasses opened the door "Can I help you?" he asked bordly. I recognized him, must be the old mans grandson. "Yeah. Move."I said as I pushed past him and walked into the house."Huh, hey you can't just walk in here!" he yelled after me.

"Where is she, old man?" I asked once I was in the living room. Everyone was there except for Tohru, what is going on. "Hey, who are you and why did you just burst in here!?" asked a young girl that looks to be a few years older than Tohru should be by now. I only ignored her as I walked over to the old man on the couch with a tea cup in his hands.

"Oh, Momoko you finally came back from the waistlands. It is good to see you again, look at you, why you look as beautiful as your sister."the old man said very calmly, to calm for my liking."I asked a question you old fart, where is she, where is Tohru!"I raised my voice."All this nonsense about that spoiled brat, again?" asked the bratty girl behind me. I turned around slowly and glared hard at her. "Shut. Up." I said even slower.

She gulped in fear and nodded her head quickly. "That ungrateful brat is staying with her friends, she didn't want to stay with her family. How spoiled can she be?" said the mother of the two annoying kids in the house. "You don't have any right to talk about her like that." I said sternly "Besides, I have another question for you. Why. Did I. Have to find out by my sisters land lady. THAT SHE'S BEEN DEAD FOR ALMOST A YEAR NOW!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Stop yelling, I'm starting to understand why she didn't want anything to do with you."she said as if she doesn't realize how close she is to getting a bloody nose."Im starting to understand why you're brother didn't come visit you since he got married. Now answer my question or end up with more than just a blue eye, sweetheart."I said in a scary voice. She sat down and took in two big breaths.

"To tell you the truth, I never thought that you'd come back alive. Or that you even cared about her, so I didn't tell you." she said with an all to smug face, that got my blood boiling. I crouched down with my hands on the arms of the chair she sat in and got really close to her face."My bisness with my sister, is my bisness, not yours. And it is not your place to decide whether or not I get to know about my sister. Do I make myself clear."

"Cristal." is all she said. "Momoko, can I talk to you alone please." said the old man. I followed him outside and crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. "I understand that you are upset, and I am truly sorry for my family and their nonsense. I know that Kyoko would want you to be with her daughter. So how about I help you out a little." he said as he tried to stay perfectly calm about all this. I closed my eyes as I thought about what he said.

"How are you ganna help me, and with what?" I asked as I eyed him. "Help you get back together with Tohru."he answered. My eyes went wide, I shook my head to get rid of the shock."Sorry old man, but I only wanted to know why I didn't get to know about my sister, and if I had known I would have gone to her funeral and seen Tohru. I only want to know if she's alright, nothing more, nothing less."

"I understand, but I do hope you get to see and talk to her, to tell you the truth, I don't think she knows about you."he said, sounding a little sad."That's fine with me, as long as she's okay, I'm okay." I said as I walked away and climbed into my car and drove of. A few tears fell down my cheeks, I wanted to patch things up with my sister and try to be a aunt for once, and try to understand why she left me for her lover and her daughter. But I guess I won't get the chance.

I'm sorry, so sorry. I really am not ready for this.

T. B. C.

Will Momoko patch things up with Tohru? How will she react when she finds out who Tohru has been staying with? Find out next time. Also none of the art or the anime and its characters belong to me, just the story and the oc's.

MOM HAS A SISTER!? (Shigure x oc) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora