chapter 26

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Okay so I just realized the mistake I made by Momoko hugging them and everything. But I like it so I'm not gonna change it just pretend that when she hugged Kyo he turned into a cat. And also there has to be a way for them to do things I mean how else do the zodiac members get kids for crying out loud! So please bear with me and I'm very sorry for this confusion.

3rd person pov.

Momoko was in shock. She couldn't bring herself to move an inch. And she was in the fricken army! All she did was stare at Shigure like he had a second head. So many things went through her mind, that it was difficult for her to know what was really going on. And as for Shigure, he was no better. He just stared right back at her, waiting for some kind of response or reaction, anything really.


It was back to when Momoko first met the three idiots who she became so close to. The three boys were playing around in park when Shigure noticed a girl crying near the slide. Somewhat worried that she might've gotten hurt he rushed over to her aid. "Hey, why are you crying?" He asked when he looked down at her. She slightly jumped as she slowly looked up at him. What he saw took the poor boy for a surprise. Her face was covered in bruses. Serious bruses.

"Hey! Are you okay!? What happened to you!? Who did this to you!?" Shigure asked as he rushed over to her side to get a better look at her injuries. As he cot closer he noticed that she was trembling even more and tried to cover herself with her arms, to keep herself safe. "Hey it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to help, I promise. But I can only do that if you'd let me help you" Shigure tried to reason with the scared girl before him.

"Hey Shigure, what are you doing?" Ayame asked as he ran over with Hatori in tow. Both boys froze when they saw the girl their age, who as shivering in fear. They looked at each other, not sure what to do or say. Suddenly Shigure got to his feat with a determined look on his face. "Wait right here. I'll be back soon." Shigure announced before he ran off, leaving the three others in awkward silence. Ayame and Hatori didn't want to get close since they didn't want to transform in front of a stranger. And the poor girl didn't want them anywhere near her, since she backed away even more.

Hatori and Ayame gave each other worried looks. How are they supposed to approach this situation? Thankfully Shigure came back with a first aid kit and a bottle of water. "Okay this might hurt a bit, so sorry for that. But we need to clean your wounds otherwise they'll get infected." Shigure told her as he got a cotton swap ready with some disinfect. When he dabbed it on her bleeding knees she hissed in pain. "Sorry sorry. It won't hurt for long I promise." Shigure said before he looked over at his two friends, "You mind helping, it would go a lot faster!" He snapped them back to reality.

Soon all three of them boys were disinfecting her injuries and rubbing ointment on them, before wrapping them up. "There we go! All done!" Ayame cheered, proud of his work. Though the bandages he wrapped were loose and not neat what so ever. Hatori's eye twitch in annoyance, "I'll redo those.." he said as he unwrapped the ones Ayame did and redid them, properly this time. "There, now we're done." He said glaring at the idiot beside him. Ayame just gave an innocent pout in return.

"Are you okay now?" Shigure asked, ignoring the two of them. She gave them a big bright smile, "Yes!" She cheered. Soon she explained what happened, how her parents were beating her, how her sister was hardly there to help thanks to her rebellious behavior. And how alone she was. The boys felt pity towards the girl they now knew as Momoko. They could almost relate to her in some ways. "Well your not alone anymore! Because now you have the three of us!" Shigure declared without thinking about the fact that if she hugged them, things could go wrong very fast. "Huh!?" The other all looked at him shocked.

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