You again!?

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Shigure's pov.

She knew.. she knew all this time and never said anything!? I was extremely confused and somewhat scared of the situation. Mainly because now, Hatori knows that she knows. That could cause a lot of trouble for her. And I have no doubt in my mind that he'll tell Akito about this. So to figure out what was going on I figured why not ask him myself. "Hatori, may I speak with you for a minute?" I asked as he and I went to another room that was more private.

"This is about Momoko, isn't it?" He asked the moment I closed the door. "Of course it is! What else would it be about!? She knew this entire time and never told us! And on top of that, aren't you going to erase her memories or something!?" I snapped at him. "I haven't told Akito about it yet. So she's safe, for the time being." He told me like it was no big deal. How could he be so calm about this!? Doesn't he understand how serious this is!? This is Momoko we're talking about, our dear friend and my.. I don't really know what she is to me at this point! Is she my ex, well we never actually dated so maybe not. We're definitely passed the point of just normal friendship, but now all we do is argue about anything and everything!

That night I struggled to fall asleep, because I knew in the morning Hatori might have to erase Momoko's memories. Will she still remember her feelings she had towards me, or our argument? Will she still come around like she is now, even if it is thanks to Tohru? Will we be.. I don't know, more? Those thoughts kept running through my mind none stop. I didn't want to loose her again. I only recently got her back, I can't go through that amount of pain anymore.

I tried my hardest to get some sleep, but everytime I closed my eyes, I saw her, smiling that big bright beautiful smile from before graduation. Back then her hair was slightly past her shoulders and always in a short high ponytail. Her smile always made my day, no matter how dark and gloomy it became she was always there to bring the sun back. Why? Why was I so stupid to give it all away just like that!? I don't even know if it was worth it yet! So far I haven't accomplished any of my goals that I laid out for me.

Momoko's pov.
Time skip.

It was late and I had an extremely bad feeling in my gut. I tried my best to ignore it but as time passed by the feeling only grew. Finally giving up I went to get me a glass of water. Hopefully that helps me. I thought as I went to the kitchen. My room was on the first floor, which I was greatful for, because I was not in the mood to climb up and down all those stairs.

I poured my glass with water and leaned against the sink when suddenly I heard a camotion from outside. "The hell.." I said as I put my glass down and walked to the door, seeing it was open and someone was holding onto Tohru with so much hatred and Momiji stood behind her shivering with fear. "Hey! Get away from them right now!" I yelled as I ran over and pushed the person aside, standing protectively in front of the kids. When I got a good look at the person, I felt my blood boil with rage.

The person glared at me before realizing who I was. "Oh. It's you. Last I heard about you was that you joined the military. I had hoped you'd die." Akito said all high and mighty. "Yeah, well sorry to disappoint you. I'm back." I said in a low growl. "I heard you've known our little secret for years now. That true?" Akito asked. "So what if it is!? I think it's time you went back to the annex." "Hmth, I was already leaving." The head of the Sohma's said with a slight bow before turning and walking away slowly.

"Just so you know, at the end of this year, all of the zodiac members will be back at the astait. And Kyo will be locked up like the monster he is. And we'll all live together, happily. They won't ask for anything and they won't be given anything." Akito said with joy clear on his voice, "And Shigure will stay by my side, forever." My heart ached at the thought. "Wait.." I looked over my shoulder at Tohru as she went on.

"That doesn't sound like true happiness." Tohru spoke her mind and I fully agreed. "Yeah. It sounded more like you'll be imprisoning them against their own will!" I said, venom dripping off my lips. "Of course you wouldn't understand. Your outsiders after all." Akito said so smugly. "Don't judge our needs and our values by what you think is right." "But is it what they truly need and value!? Have you ever considered that!?" I yelled. Just then Tohru wanted to know who Akito was to the zodiac members. And then the man walked over to us quietly.

Tohru froze up all of a sudden. "I am their god. That makes them mine and mine alone. They belong to me!" Akito said as he scratched Tohru's cheek so bad it began to bleed. "Their not your personal property! Their living human beings! Even if they turn into animals that doesn't change a thing!" I snapped as I punched the man in front of me enraged. Just before he could do anything another man came along. He was the rooster, as Akito introduced him, before walking back to us.

"Every single one of them will return to me without a doubt. We don't need outsiders like the two of you interfering with our happiness." "Is it their happiness your worried about or your own?" I asked glaring daggers at the man. "If you don't stay away, you'll both be punished." Akito said smirking triumphedly at me. "We're not from your clan. You can't tell us what we can and cannot do." I said lifting my head up higher, looking down at him. That seemed to really tick him of but luckily Kurano was able to convince him to go.

As soon as they were gone Tohru fell to her knees. "Ahh! Tohru! You okay?" I asked as I kneeled down before her. She couldn't hear me since she was in a daze. I was so focused on her I didn't notice both Shigure and Hatori who were on either sides of her, until Hatori grabbed her face to inspect her injury. Akito's words came back to me. And I was fuming with rage. "You go home like your ment to I'll take care of these two." Shigure suggested. "It won't do anyone any harm if I stayed a little longer." Hatori said back.

I stood up without a word and went inside, walking passed the teenage boys who were hiding. I didn't  bother saying a word to them as I decided then and there to start packing so I could leave as soon as the first light of sun comes into view. I didn't want to spend another second here. I walked into my room grabbed my bag and left it open on the bed, before throwing my clothes in it.

I figured to go for a walk to cool down a bit. As I was walking in the forest. Allowing the cold rain drops to fall on me. Then suddenly it stopped dripping on me, but it continued to rain. I looked up and saw an umbrella over my head. I turned to see Shigure giving me a small yet sad smile. "I finally know." I told him as I turned to face him completely. "Know what?" He asked confused.

"Why you never disobeyed him. He's your so called god, right?" I asked not looking him in his eyes. He remained quiet, not saying a word. "I'll take that as a yes." I slowly looked up to him. He had a somewhat sadden expression. "He said that by the end of the year, your all gonna return to him. And live happily together. At the astait where all your needs and values are." I explained as tears began to form in my eyes.

"But despite knowing all this I must ask. Is this what you want Shigure? To live as a prisoner, forever bound by what Akito believes is right! Is that truly what your heart desires?" I asked as I placed my hand over his heart. Shigure grabbed me with his free hand, holding me closer to him. He leaned forward, about to close the gap with his lips on mine, but stopped. "I don't know." He answered. I sighed in disappointment. "Well until you do, please don't hold me like this again. Don't give me mixed signals because they give me hope. And it hurts when you do. Goodbye Shigure." I said as I walked back to the house in the rain. Leaving him behind.

Time skip.

I walked over to Tohru's room and saw she was still up and had a bandage on her cheek. "I'm leaving." Was all I said to her before going back the way I came. "W-what!?" I heard her from behind me as she hurries to catch up to me. "But but..." "No Tohru enough is enough. I can't take much more of this. So I'm leaving right now. The General is waiting for me. I'll see you around. Try to stay out of trouble." I said as I got my things and left the house.

I didn't waist any time getting there and climbing into the car. The General was worried about me but I told him I wasn't ready to talk, which he respected. When I finally got home I went straight to bed and stayed there the rest of the day. This vacation did not go as planned. I thought as sleep slowly took over, and I was left in the darkness alone, like always.

T. B. C.

MOM HAS A SISTER!? (Shigure x oc) Where stories live. Discover now