37. Slap!

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The medicine tray near Karthick's hospital bed crashed down, he was the one who pushed it.

"Ahh!" "Ahh!" He groaned in pain.

"Karthick!" She called him.

"Ahh!" He groaned again.

She ran out to call the doctor.

She saw a nurse outside.

"Call the doctor!" She yelled and again ran to Karthick.

He was continuously groaning, she was speechless she didn't know what to do.

The doctor came in, in an urgency.

He went near him and patted his cheeks.

" Karthick! Karthick, can you hear me?"


"It's nothing relax Karthick, relax!"

The nurse patted his cheeks and stroked his hair.

"Relax, it's nothing slowly try to open your eyes. Come on try"

He groaned and rolled his eyeballs without opening his eyelids.

"Doctor, he is fine right?" Pari asked the doctor, getting nervous.

"He is fine! He is just traumatized, he might have forgotten the things that happened.

" Karthick you are fine, your sister is here; we are here. Don't worry try to open your eyes" The old nurse was still stroking his.

Pari went to the other side of him and stood beside the bed and his hand in her palms.

"Karthick! I am here"

"Pari is here, try to open your eyes brother. I am waiting for you to open your eyes, I want to hear your voice. Try to open your eyes" She said in a soothing voice and rubbed his hands with her thumb finger.

The frown on his face disappeared, his facial muscles relaxed he seemed calm.

" Good now slowly try to open your eyes," Doctor said to him.

He tried to open his eyes when he almost opened his eyes he again closed due to the bright light from the glass window.

"Nurse, close the curtain." The doctor said to the nurse.

She moved away from Karthick, to close the curtain; taking this as a chance Pari stroked his hairs.

"Karthick try again"

He slightly opened his eyes, then in seconds he fully opened. He looked at the surroundings in order to recognize where he was.

"Karthick!" Pari called him.

He turned towards him and gave a slight smile but she gave a bright smile to him.

"Karthick, how are you feeling? Any discomforts?"

The doctor asked he nodded as no.

"In words" The doctor demanded in words.

"No!" He said and smiled.

" Can you see everything clearly?"

" Yes!"

"Okay! We will run some general tests to check if he has any problems. But, there is only less chance for that. So, nothing to worry"

He said and smiled.

"Thank you so much"

"That's fine, my duty ends. I will inform neuro to take him to test, nothing to worry!"

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