28. Zara the sweet heart!

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" Excuse me!" There was a knock on the door.

No response

"Excuse me!" This time it was a little louder but still, there was no response.

So the person at the other end decided to intrude. The room was silent. Karthick was sleeping in a reclined position and his sister was deep asleep on his lap.

The intruder was scanning the room

After a minute of scanning the intruder was ready to do something

Splash! Splash!

"Ahh!" Both Pari and Karthik jerked in an instant as they pointed their gun towards the intruder.

The intruder raised her hands in surrender.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down guys, it's just me"

"Zara!" Both said in unison.

"Yeah! Yeah! It's Zara only, in a second you guys would've killed me!" She said, keeping her hands on her chest.

"Idiot! Don't you have any sense? Why are you doing such nonsense things? Don't you know what situation we are going through?" Karthick yelled at her. Tears pooled in Zara's eyes.

"Karthick!" Pari glared at him.

"No, Pari she should have some control over what she is doing! What did she think? Is this Hospital or our home? Playing pranks like kids!" He scolded her and the last part under his breath.

"Leave it Karthick! She didn't do it intentionally, wait I will get a towel from the nurse" She said and was about to dial through the intercom.

"No! I bought your clothes and towel, you can refresh and get changed into this" She said and placed a bag on the bed.

"Karthick, you are not allowed to take bath so go just dry your hair and wash your face and after that, I will take a bath, after that I will ask a nurse to give you a sponge bath," She said and gave him a towel from the bag. He went in still glaring at Zara.

A pool was of tears formed in Zara's eyes.

"Aww! Sweetheart why are crying for such a small thing, leave it he is just stressed" She hugged and soothed.

" I thought it would cool down you guys if I play some prank," She said between her hiccups.

"It's okay Zara! Your intention was good but currently, he is stressed, so he shouted at you but don't do such things, okay? Don't cry!" She said to her like explaining a child.

"Okay! I feel very upset when he scolds me or gets angry at me. I couldn't hold myself my eye pools automatically" She said, Pari hugged her.

"Don't be like that! Now come on give him a sponge bath and get him on his track again" She said and giggled, Zara gave her a small smile.

Karthick came out shirtless, automatically a blush crept over Zara's cheek, Pari chuckled seeing this.

"Okay, I'll go take bath, you somehow take your sponge bath, don't be stinky," She said and went in only after giving a wink to Zara.

When she returned after her bath, Karthick's physician was there for his rounds.

"Doctor is he fine?" Pari asked the doctor who was now prescribing something.

"Yeah! He is fine but just needs some rest. Be careful with his hand if he strains his hand it may lead to some serious problems" He said, still looking at the notepad that had his details about medications, consultations, and some other details.

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