30. His past (1)

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Yuvi was driving and Pari was in the passenger seat.

"Yuvi did you inform mom about Karthick's stay?" Pari asked, turning towards him.

"Yeah! But did you inform Karthick?" He asked her as he knows she didn't.

"Ouch! No, I will call him now" She facepalmed herself and dialed his number.

"Hello! Karthick"

"Hey! Pari"

"Karthi did the doctor say anything about discharge?" She asked him.

"Yeah! They told I can leave in an hour and also said you paid the bill"

"Oh! Okay. I will send my driver to pick you up from the hospital you directly go to our house and mom or dad will show you where to stay"

She directly went to the matter.

"Hey! It's okay I will go to my apartment, You know I am fine I can manage by myself" He said.

"Karthi I am not that heartless person to leave my brother to suffer alone. Please! Come and stay with us" She insisted.

"Okay! I will stay there, I will come there, after dropping off Zara" He said.

"Yeah! Reach safe, if anything is needed just give a call. I think I will not be home tonight myself and Yuvi are going out!" She said.

"Okay! Be safe with him, have your pistol right?" He asked in a low voice.

"Yeah!" That's all she said.

"Bye then"

"Bye see ya later," She said and ended the call. She fell into deep thoughts.

"Where can we eat?" Yuvi broke her trance.

"Anywhere maybe some fast food is enough for me" She replied.

"So can we go to the burger corner?" He asked.

"Yeah!" She said.

They reached and grabbed a two-seater table in a corner of the small fast food stall.

Yuvi came back with two cottage-cheese burgers; there prevailed a silence between them whereas their surrounding was buzzing with busy people.

They paid the bill and excited from there, the car drive was again filled with silence.

They directly went to their room and flopped on the bed.

Pari was in his embrace her head on his chest his hands circled her shoulder. His other hand below his head.

He was just staring at the ceiling whereas she was staring at the balcony window.

Pari decided to break the silence.


"Hmm!" He just hummed.

"Are you hiding something from me?" She asked not looking at him.

He was still staring at the ceiling.

"Tell me Yuvi, are you?" She asked but this time she looked at his face which now was emotionless, unlike his nature.

"Tell me who told you and till what you know," He asked her, he knows definitely that it was Sid but he wanna know till which she knows.

" That day when I went to Sid's college to speak about their marriage, I laid a condition to him and that time I asked about your behavior change then he said.

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