Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Part Two

Start from the beginning

The waitress comes back over and hands Sam another beer, and he smiles at her.

"Thanks," he chuckles and hangs up, clearly not caring what happened to his brother.

"Sam what happened to Dean?" you demand answers.

"He just vanished. I don't know. The call cut out," he shrugs.

The waitress walks away, and Sam looks at her up and down seductively. You just get so angry at this point that you slam your fist down on the table as hard as you can. The bar is buzzing with lots of chatter and shouts from the patrons that they don't notice you and Sam. Your eyes flare bright blue, and some of your magic ghosts over your fist. Sam looks at your fist and then into your eyes.

"Oh, if we weren't in public right now, I'd so totally strangle you!"

You angrily get up and storm to the front door.

"Where are you going?" he calls out.

"Looking for Dean!" you shout.

Sam just rolls his eyes and finishes off his beer before paying the tab and getting up to follow you.

He met you in the cornfields that are on the outskirts of town. It's the only cornfields within miles of the town, so you know this is the one that Dean went to. You're about halfway into the fields when you hear Sam's voice call out for you to wait up.

"Now you decide to join me? What, the waitress boring you?" you say sarcastically.

"Calm down," he rolls his eyes.

"Dean! Dean!!" you yell in hopes he just got lost in the big ass fields.

You say his name a dozen more times before Sam decides to call his cell phone. The faint noise of Dean's rock music ringtone can be heard. It's not that far from where you're at, and you run in that direction. The phone is lying in a clearing made by something. You might be standing in a crop circle, but you're not sure. Sam picks up Dean's cell phone and turns it off before looking around the place.

"Dean!" you shout one more time.

"He's not out here!"

"Shut the fuck up!!" you scream at Sam.

You may have told him off, but you still love and care for Dean. It's like your soul is connected to his, and your body won't let you love anyone else. It's always been Dean, and it always will be him no matter how he treats you. It's damaging, but what relationship isn't? Magic flares between your fingers and you don't waste time shooting it at the corn. They blow down at the force of your magic, allowing you to see much farther into the fields. Dean is nowhere to be found, and you're starting to freak out a little.

"Come on, he's not here," Sam says and tugs on your arm to get you to leave with him.

He will leave you here by yourself if you don't come with him, but he figured he might as well give it a try. After the second tug, you get the idea to check out the club Sparrow Jennings is in. She is part of a club that specializes in extraterrestrial life, so she or the people she's with might know where Dean is.

"We need to find Sparrow and her club," you state emotionally.


It didn't take a lot of detective skills to find the group Sparrow is in. There are signs all over town pointing to their campsite because they claim it's where you can see the UFOs best. The same weird feeling you got when talking to Wayne Whittaker as well as inside Brennan's Watchworks, is the exact feeling you're getting as soon as you enter the campsite.

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