Chapter 34

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She didn't want to hear her mate's explanation, because she knew that she would only try and defend them, Lena's blood boil when she saw how Tasha handles Sky, she could easily get hurt by what she did, she's been reckless.

She unsheathed her sword and stood beside a whimpering Tasha, she raised her sword up and was ready to swing it down when someone suddenly spoke.

"I thought we both agree not to harm any of our people." The voice was firm and filled with authority. They all turn to look to whoever just spoke and they all see a woman standing naked with only a cloak to cover her body. Behind her, about a dozen wolves stand. Lena smirk recognizing who the woman is.

"It's been a while... Vixen." She said lowering her sword down, She raised her hand to make Catherine stop from mentally torturing the other three.

"I'am glad to see you, My Queen." Vixen bowed but not too low for Lena's liking. Vixen walked closer to them, she's became even more bigger, her muscle is very firm and even her abs. She walks with confidence and honor.

"Why didn't you tell me that you would visit." She said looking straight at the young Alpha's eyes. She scoffed and looks at her three pack mates that remains on the ground.

"I trusted you with their lives, I guess vampires never truly change. What did they do? For you to act so reckless." Lena's squinted at the young Alpha.

"They have hurt my mate." Vixen's eyes glows, she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow.

"And why would they do that? Maybe you have mistaken their playing into fighting. Let me remind you that wolves are different from leeches... I mean vampires." Vixen smirk at her, Catherine hissed showing her fangs.

"Do you wish to die?" Catherine asked.

"Oh no, not really." Lena held Catherine's arm to calm her down a bit.

"What are you doing here?" Vixen looked at her straight in the eyes.

"To see my sister. And to ask you why I didn't get any message that she had returned." Lena sheathed her sword and gave it to one of the general to hold.

"Fine." Was all she said turning her back to them. She ordered her men to return to the castle while the werewolves followed them. Catherine match the pace of her horse.

"Why didn't you do anything?" Catherine whispered through gritted teeth, Lena stared at her.

"I don't have a time to deal with an angry Alpha. And she's Sky's sister." Was all she said.


She paced back and forth in her room,  the guards won't allow her to come out of the room.

"Sky, please relax." Audrey said, she placed her hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down for a bit. She faced Audrey and her eyes started to water.

"But...but it's my fault." Audrey shakes her head no, she hugged Sky.

"It's not your fault, okay?" Sky continued to sniffle as Audrey hugged her. Just when she's about to let go of Audrey the door burst open Catherine came in, she has head high and her eyes squinted in their direction. Sky quickly pulled away from Audrey.

"Leave us." She ordered Audrey, Audrey bowed down before she left, once Audrey was gone she saw Catherine relaxed, her aura of authority disappeared as she looked at Sky.

"Come here." Catherine beckons her, she move closer to her and once she was close to her Catherine embrace her tightly, Sky purred in delight, she burry her face in-between Catherine's chest and inhaled her scent.

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