Chapter 35

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While Sky was out of the castle together with her mates, Sabel uses this chance to explore the passages that they have seen, she went back to the grave that they had seen and so far they didn't see any clue there. And now she's exploring a new passage that leads her in a large hall. The air in this place is much more warmer than the other one. Large pillars arches above her head, the walls where littered with different exotic designs and carvings, paintings hang in the wall. Sabel swallowed.... This place, it seems that someone used to live in here. She continues to walk further into the place... As she does she noticed that the exotic carvings on the walls where made of gold! Not only that! Rubies and gems could be seen scattered in the ground. Sabel stops walking when she saw a staircase leading down. She couldn't believe that there was another castle hidden beneath the castle! How come no one knew about this? She was about to take a step down when she heard footsteps.

Sabel panicked for a moment, until she found a large statue standing near the stairs, she hid behind it and sealed her scent.

"She's naive and so gullable. Tricking her would be easy." The voice said, Sabel covered her mouth to control her breathing.

"We need to do something about her! A way to end her! In that way we could get the crown." There were two people! They were talking about someone, she couldn't recognize their voices.

"We don't need to kill her. Our boss said we shouldn't hurt her. She seems to be important to him." Sabel peek to try and see their faces, the other one was wearing a dark cloak covering his face while the other one wasn't wearing any thing. Just an armor with a Raven insignia. A raven insignia? This guy must belong to the Raevern family!

"What are we even doing in here?" The guy with the Raven insignia on his armor asked the guy with the cloak on.

"He wants us to meet in here. Let's go, he must be waiting." Sabel was about to follow them, when a strong feeling of calling grips her... She looks down the stairs and she had a strong feeling that she should go down there. Must she follow her instinct? Yes she thinks she must follow her instinct.

First she made sure that the two guys wouldn't show up again anymore before she took a step, and then she followed each steps. While going down Sabel have seen several cells lined up against that wall... No they weren't just cells! They were rooms! Sabel peek inside one of the cell rooms and saw a lavish looking room, a grand bed and a grand piano!

"Is this some sort of prison for the pure blood family?" She asked herself, but she continued to walk down and saw several rooms with the same features. When she reached the end of the stairs she saw another hall lined with cells. Sabel looks left and right! But on the right side of the hall, she saw a bright light. Someone is still in this place.

Sabel took a hurried step, her heart was beating faster than usual, her instinct was telling her something! Someone she knew is inside that cell!!!

Finally! When she reached the cell, a warm lavish looking room surprised her! The cell smells of chocolate and vanilla! You could still hear the crackling of the woods as it burns! A piano can be heard inside! Someone is playing the piano! She heard it once before! The tune was very familiar! Her heart beat even faster, she had a strong feeling that whoever is inside that cell is someone she knows.

"Hello?" She called, almost instantly the music stopped. Sabel held her breath waiting for the person inside the cell to appear in front of her. At first she saw a shadow of a woman, she kept her eyes on the floor waiting... Just waiting.

The first thing she saw was the person's barefoot , then her eyes travel up to see a dark red gown laced with emerald. Sabel almost fell down to her knees what she saw who it is. Her eyes were very wide in shock. Her mouth closed and opened but no word came out of her mouth.

"Sabel? Is that you?" Tears prickled Sabel's eyes when she heard the woman's voice. Who was as startled as her.

"Mother... Mother." She said walking closer to the cell. Her mother's eyes widen, she reached for Sabel and caressed her face.

"It's you! It's really you. Sabel!" Her mother exclaimed, her mother was crying and Sabel saw relief washed over her mother's face. She couldn't believe it! Her mother is alive! She's well and breathing!

"H-how? I thought you died a long time ago." Her mother said, Sabel held her mother's hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"It's hard to explain. But I'm glad you're fine! We need to get you out of this place! Father would be happy to see you." She said picking up the lock and examining it. The cell was locked using a magic, Sabel placed her hand over the padlock and with one motion it clicked open.

"I got it." She said pulling the cell door open, her mother quickly wraps her arms around her.

"Oh thanks the gods above. Your alive!" Her mother said again. She nods her head.

"We need to get out of here mother. We must inform father about your return! He would be happy to see you." Sabel pulled her mother with her, but before she could take another step, someone had hit her behind her head.

"Sabel!" Her mother tried to catch her but it was already too late. Everything  became hazy, and she became dizzy... The last thing she saw was a woman wearing a red cloak looking down at her.

"It's.... it's you." Was the last thing she said before she lost consciousness.


"She's so cute! Don't you think so?" She asked Catherine, her mate just smiled and nods her head. The two of them sats down in one of the chairs in the garden while her niece plays in the garden... Sky loves the color of her niece hair, it was almost close to the color of gold, her niece eyes were a bright amethyst color which is very rare.

"She has a strong name... Summer Reign. It's as if her mother was very sure that her daughter.would reign someday." Catherine whispered, she looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What's wrong with that?" Catherine shrug her shoulder, she stared into Sky's eyes, her stare feels like she could see her very soul.

"If we had a daughter... I'll probably name her Cinder." Sky smiled and tilted her head to the side.

"I'm planning to name our first child Amber, but hey! It sounds good too." Sky chuckled and stood up,she kissed Catherine on her cheek before she walks closer to her niece.

"Hi." She greeted her, she crouch down and held her niece hands.

"Are you having fun? Do you want to eat something?" She asked Summer, she just looks up at her, her cheeks turning pink and Sky wonders why.

"Chocolate?" The two of them were startled when they heard Catherine laughed, the two of them looks at Catherine who was now standing behind Sky.

"Do werewolves have a really good facination with chocolates?" Catherine asked amused. Summer blushed even more and hid behind Sky.

"Well of course you can. I'll give you some if you promise to behave." Catherine added, she then winks at Sky before she turns around and left.

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