Chapter 22

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"So i'll leave you two for now." David, her father said standing up, he placed his hand on Sky's shoulder.

"You two should catch up with each other." He said winking at them, making the two giggle, he leans down and gave them a kiss on their forehead before he left. Once he was gone Sabel held Sky's hand and the two of them just stared at one another, until Sky broke the silence

"What was she like? Our mother?" Sabel smiled, she looks down and took a deep long breath before she spoke.

"She was just like you, very calm, she's gentle and very gleeful, she has this weird facination with flowers, she's like a ray of sunshine! I mean her smile could literally brighten a room." Sabel then stops to look at her, she then cupped her chin and tilt her head up a little.

"Very much like you when you smile. I mean when you smile at us, i saw her, the shape of her eyes, the shape of her lips and even you small face, you got it all from her. Our mother was loved by her people, she is known to be an advocate for equality and peace. She would visit orphanage and war veterans, families that lost a love ones to a war and she would show her support. I adored her so much." Sabel was smilling as she remember everything and Sky could feel a pang of jealousy, she admits that she's jealous of her sister because she got to spend more time with her.

"I must admit that i'm jealous of you." She admits with bitterness in her voice.

"I grew up dreaming...dreaming of the day as to when will i meet her, or will i ever be given a chance to meet her. To touch her, to hear her voice." She closes her eyes to fight back the tears.

"I grew up alone and inside a cage. And there were nights where i dreamed that my mother, our mother would appear and save me." Her voice broke at the end of her sentence, she felt Sabel's forehead againts her.

"You're not alone now. I'm here now. You have me and dad, we're not going anywhere. We will stay with you." She opens her eyes and stare at the same blue eyes of her sister.

"Thank you." She whispered... Suddenly the necklace on her sister glows, the two of them pulled away and stared at it.

"What's that?" She asked, staring at the glowing ornament. It's seems to pulse.

"It's... Indicating something... The enemy... She's near." Sky stared at her sister with a furrowed eyebrow.

"What enemy?" Sabel stood up and removes the necklace, she then placed it in her hand.

"I have...i have accidentally helped my old friend into freeing a dark entity that feeds on soul... That dark entity has a goal to kill the former king and take over the kingdom, before i could warn everyone i was knocked off, but before i completely lose consciousness, i felt and saw another dark entity coming out of the portal that i have open. This one is stronger that the other one. She's angry and she seek vengence to those who oppose her." Sabel started to pace.

"What i know that i have to do, is to return to where her grave is and close the portal there, so it could suck her back to wherever hell she came from. The only problem i have... Is i don't know who she is, and where her grave is." The two of them stared at the door when they heard a knock, the emerald necklace started to grow even brighter, Sky stood up and walk closer to the door, and it the necklace started to glow even brighter and there was another knock.

She gulp and held the door knob, she looks at Sabel who nods before she pulled the door open. As soon as the door was open the glowing of the necklace stops, and infront of the door stood Soraya.

"There you~ woah! I didn't know you have a sister." Soraya said looking at Sabel with a curious look.

"Soraya!" Sky said in suprise releasing her breath that she didn't even notice that she was holding back. Sky placed her hand above her chest to calm her heart beat.

"It was just you." Sky looks at Sabel who was just smilling and giving her a apologetic look, she knows that she scared Sky.

"Yeah...are you two alright? You two looks like your about to have a heart attack." Soraya said with a raised eyebrow. Sky smiled at her and shakes her head.

"It's nothing, we were just talking. Oh anyway! Ummm...Soraya i'd like you to meet my sister Sabel, and Sabel this is Soraya, she's my friend." The two shakes hand together. Sorya smiled at Sabel before she let's go of her hand.

"By the way, i was looking for you because dinner's about to start. And you should invite your sister there." Soraya then winks at Sabel before she lef them, Sky closed the door again and stared at her sister with a worried look, Sabel touches her shoulder.

"Don't worry, your friend is not the imposter here." Sky felt relief wash over her, she was glad that it's not her friend.

"So about what you were saying... I want to help you." Sabel's eyes soften and she nods her head.

"Thank you. I appriciate your help. But for now, you must not tell this to anyone. Not even your mates, we must keep this a secret." She said, staring into Sky's blue eyes, she nods her head.

The two of them arrived at the great hall just in time, the food were already served and all the girls are already there. When they saw her, they all stood up and bowed exept Mabella who remained seated.

"Oh! Princess why didn't you tell us that you we would have a guest." Denaya said, she walks closer to them and shakes her sister's hand.

"You two look very much alike, are you two related." Denaya asked while still shaking her sister's hand.

"Yeah, this is Sabel, she's my older sister." Denaya raised her eyebrow and she looks suprise.

"Sisters? But i could sense that she's a vampire." Dione intervene, pointing her hand at Sabel.

"Does it mean you two are hybrids?" Noella added gasping and looking scared.

"Maybe one of you is the beast. And the murderer." That was it, she's done with being disrespected, and the look that they were giving her sister is very rude.

"That's enough! I'm done with you bitching and acting like spoiled brats!" Everyone gasp at her outburst, well even she, herself is shock! But the disrespecting is too much.

"I've tolerated you all! I even tried to understand you and i get that you don't like the idea of me being higher than you when it comes to status! But! Do you really have to be a bitch to me? I didn't do anything wrong to you! If you hate me that much then go! But must you get my sister involve?! Goddess! You're acting like an uneducated person! That's not how a novel woman should be raised!" After she was done talking she watches everyones reaction, all of them had their mouths open in shock, even the servants and guard were looking at her in shock.

"Well damn! That was harsh... But why is your hair glowing? Or did i have too many drinks?" Shahar said breaking the silence, she looks at her confuse as to what she was talking about.

"Sky, you're glowing." Sabel added standing infront of her, and that's when Sky looks at her hair and indeed! She was glowing.

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