-Chapter fourteen-

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Abelia Fern Russo point of view

Yesterday I did not get my sleep all I did was work in the fields and if I was found sleeping they would wake me up with hard slaps , punches ! They were really painful and my head was hurting from all the pain my body was experiencing.

So I was now done with the first field I was now picking up the sugar cane , putting them in baskets .Then I felt someone tapping my shoulder, I looked back and I saw a guard starring back at me.

"You are required by His highness, He is standing by the balcony." The guard said.he was human he looked tiny like he had been starving for a while, He had Mark's that were visible in his neck.. I pitied him, he also looked exhausted.

"Between the King And The prince who is seeking for my presence?" I asked unsure about going to his highness.

"He is up the balcony and I am afraid that I have to go." then he hurriedly left me, he looked quite scared. Then I decided to look up and as soon as I saw the King. I knew that he was the only one who would call me.then I practically ran up to his Chamber and I met him up in the balcony.

" Your royal highness, I had that you were seeking for my presence!" I said while bowing down my head. All of a sudden I could feel his hand grasping my poor neck, he was so powerful I was up against the wall with his hold on my neck and I was choking.

"Listen to me Carefully, Stay the hell away from my Son! And if you don't I will kill you with my own bare hands and he is too be married with one of his kind not some dirty, Disgusting human,I will ruin you if I see you with him you will regret it bitch so take your dirty disgusting, Whore self out of my Chamber. "he released me from his grip then when I was about to walk out I felt a hand slapping my butt, I turned my head back he winked and I hurriedly left his chambers with him laughing his gutts off evily. I will stay away from his son, I have never been this insulted before I now miss my parents, I wish dad was here to protect me from all of this and I wish my mother would be here to cuddle with me and tell me that everything is going to be okay. Then I went out and found myself in the fields, My neck was in my pain, I could feel blood When I held my neck..he really did hurt me but it's okay. But my Agenda is to stay away from his son.

"Are you okay?" The same guard asked me.

"Yes I am! thank you for asking." I said shyly. I was so embarrassed I could barely hear my voice.

"You don't look okay, I am Richard by the way." He said extending his hand for me to shake.

"Abelia.. Nice to meet you Richard but I am sorry I have to go." I ran up to the fields to finish up my work. After awhile my sister decided to show up with one of her minions

"look at her dripping in dirt! she stole my man she deserves it and I am happy that she is now in the fields so that Dracula and I Can have some time together without him calling her name each and every single time when we are sexually intimate." Camellia said while her minions were giggling all the time.

" But ain't you supposed to be helping your sister instead of Shaming and insulting her, Sisters should help one another if they are in trouble, No Man should actually destroy their relationship and she's all you have got Camellia!" Her Minion, Close best friend Treyya said that to her I was so touched. I loved her way of thinking and I needed my sister the most and I believe that she needed me to but because of her Ego she would never actually come up to me and support me and I always remember the words that Madam Isla said to me..one has to kill the other so that She will get the Man, and I hate that all I Want to do is spend some time with my sister but she cannot be trusted that I know It hurts deeply to not have a loved one close to you. It's irritating, we always fight over a Man and she has not been the best sister but who am I to judge I am not perfect either maybe if I was her I would reacted the same way she did and besides I know we miss our parents and eversince she has been gone that really did take a toll on me because I missed her and I would watch my Mother having mental breakdowns infront of my eyes.

"Go talk to her you know you might as well gain her trust then backfire by taking her Man."Zarina said so. It was so like her, she always had something terrible to say, each and every single time she granted Camellia bad advice's and I felt like she wanted to regain something by doing all of this.

"no I have nothing to say to her! Let's go ladies." they went into their direction but without leaving me with her dirty look.

"Slave! You may go.. Your work is done for the day." Richard said that out.. I am sure they actually wanted him to say so otherwise it's unlike him to call me a slave while he was very gentle and Kind hours ago, I hate this life.. People are forced out to be here to work for these filthy people, They do not care about us they only care about themselves.. Pretend everything is okay and treat us like filth..i just nodded my head towards Richard and went back into My chambers and I decided to take a rest. Atleast they granted us that privilege of resting.


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