-Chapter Three-

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Abelia Fern Russo Pov (Point of view)

As I woke up ,It was dark  I couldn't see anything all I heard were  voices crying out of pain.

"Hello anyone there! Hello please get me out of here" I half shouted . Then I heard the door open ,Then an old lamp was turned on and the room was filled with light, And I saw an old woman carrying a plate filled with rust with only bread and A cup of water .

"Oh! Finally you are awake dear."She said in a motherly tone Then I started backing away form her in a corner I couldn't trust anyone because of what they did to us and on how they dragged us ,taking us away from our  familys .

"Relax dear I don't bite and am half human and half vampire  ,So I can control myself when am in need off blood. "She laughed quietly .

"Mam you are also one of them ?" I asked.out of curiosity.

"Yes my child but I am not bad and niether are them if u get to know them and you need to have something to eat it's been three days since you were out ,So I will be back with the clothes you are supposed to wear and take you to  the Main head of maids ." She said sweetly.she then placed the plate down and walked out of the door while the guards  locked it.

I started eating , And I began crying because I never ate alone at all , I missed.my parents and the fact that they were killed in front of me did not sit well with me. The bread was dry  and Atleast I got clean water .

After a while I put down the plate and Took a nap  on the floor which was made of cement.

Suddenly I heard the door open ,The same women appeared with clothes in her hands

"Dear take off these old rags and wear this maid uniform ,And neatly tie your hair."She said .

I nodded I was so scared of talking to her ,She looked intimidating than my grandmother.

Then we walked out  using the stairs because the elevators were not for use for the servants.

Then we descanded  downstairs , After a while I saw woman and Man who were wearing the same uniform as I and the main head of Maids Informing them about what they are to do.

"Good Evening , Humans! ,I am Adrasteia Andreiakis  , The main head of all the Maids so today you will be appointed to where you are going to be working and what will you be doing and who's going to be your Master." She  fully said with confidence. There were not many of us ,we were just about 10 and I definitely knew that it was all of the newbees nothing more.

"Violet Montierro  , Cassius Augustin and blade Rivers you are appointed in the kitchen you will help the others."

They all nodded I was so shocked my best friend was here with me, The tears streamed down my cheeks ,Will she be able to survive. But on the other side I was so happy that she was with me .Then they went to the front and stood next to The main head of maids. I waved at her and she smiled  and they were dismissed.

"Elisabeta Ferrari , Dawn Adamos , Eva  Andino ,Beckett Oprea , Cohan stoica you will appointed in the Gardens you may join the rest .

"We have Abelia Fern Russo ,You will be the soon to be kings Personal maid.and therefore olive Johnson and Poppy dumitru you will be Appointed to clean the entire  Palace with the help of other maids who have been here before ,You are dismissed ." She said.

Alot of people Gasped, I could see fear in their eyes radiating especially when it was said that I would be the kings personal Maid. A lot of people looked at me with envy, some with hatred and some with fear.... I was nervous.

Then we were escorted to our rooms ,that we were supposed to be in ,I was sharing a room with violet and we sure had another roommate but we weren't sure who it was.

It was all silent we were in our beds and all I was thinking about were my parents and nothing else , I did not want this life and I had to escape it ,And I hope Katherine and the others are okay.

"Guys ! Why are you so quite ?" She said her voice filled with a lot of excitement .

We finally set on our beds and we looked straight into her eyes.

"Hello I am Abelia and this is My best friend and sister Flora " I said more like in a whisper  and Flora nodded her head and sat up straight A's me.

" Guys nobody will hurt if you stay out of their lane , and do your work and by the way am Emily Anderson nice to meet you guys." Nobody will hurt us she's crazy ,When your blood is taken away from you that's hurt and nothing more.

"so how were you taken from your home and how many years have you been here?" I asked out of curiosity

"I remember ,It was one sunny day and I was waking to pick up some berries for my family in our small vineyard we were not a rich family but a middle class family ,Then suddenly all I saw was smoke and I inhaled most of it and I was sent to the digeons and  after  3 days I was appointed to the kitchen and I have been working there all my life, Secondly I don't know my families whereabouts and how they are doing." She said worry feeling her beautiful  chocolate brown eyes.

"Well My story is different from yours ,I watched my Mom getting slaughtered in front of  me and they burned the body and told me to watch while she was burning ,whereas they drank blood from my dad until he had no strength to fight back just because I kicked one of them in the shin ,This is all my fault I shouldn't have did that but I was angry ,I miss them alot and I regret fighting and not wanting to go with them before they killed them. " Violet  said before breaking down and crying

"Don't blame yourself  Vivi it was not your fault ,You just wanted to do the right thing.and what happened to you Aby" Emily said while we were consoling her.

"They slaughtered my parents and burnt their bodies brutally and I did nothing maybe I could have saved them ." Emily looked at us with worry in her eyes  and nothing more .

"Don't worry guys am with you, And where were you assigned guys." She asked

"I was assigned in the kitchen and Abelia is going to be the soon to be kings Personal maid." She said

Emily Gasped and her eyes widened as saucers.

"What?"  Violet and I both said at the same time."

"I will tell you what you don't want to know ,Abelia Beware , He is a  manipulative Person , Cruel ,Charming, Cold ,Powerful, Smart, Fierce and  He kills people   ,Rumour has wandered in the palace which is he kills his Personal maids if they ever do something unforgivable ,And he also sleeps with that bitch , Who has her Barbie dolls surrounding her all the time ." She said in a whisper.

We Gasped .

"Abelia ,I will act as you and you will need to help in the Kitchen" Violet said. Emily looked at her in horror .

"VIOLET! ,don't even think about it and if the Main head of maids finds out you will be imprisioned  or killed ."  Emily Said.

"Fine! ,But if something happens tell me Aby "

" No! I will definitely be fine ,Don't worry " I said in a nervous tone.

All of a sudden we had banging on the door .

"Humans sleep! ,Don't give us a hard time and if there's any noise you will be in trouble we won't spare you."

And with that we got under the covers and dossed off.


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